Tuesday, March 5, 2019

If You’re Not Interviewing Anywhere Else

  • If You’re Not Interviewing Anywhere Else

You know not to say this directly, but how do you get around it? The trick is to simply choose to answer a different question. Instead of responding with your lack of other interviews, let your interviewer know what types of positions and companies you’ve been applying to.

  • Let’s start by considering why hiring managers ask this question in the first place. There are three big-picture reasons.

To gauge their own timeline.
Your hiring manager may want to know where in the hiring process you are with other companies so that they can speed up the decision-making process on their end if necessary. They also may not want to invest much more time into your candidacy if they sense that you are close to accepting an offer elsewhere (particularly if they were not all that keen on you to begin with).
To assess the supply and demand in the market.
The hiring manager may be asking this tough interview question to try to get a sense for how many similar positions are open right now. That can impact the economics of the offer – in your favor, or in favor of the company.
To get a sense for your popularity.
Sometimes, hiring managers like to get external confirmation that you are a valuable and in-demand candidate. This may not make logical sense–after all, if they are interviewing you, there must be something about your background they like! And yet, sometimes they want to hear it from other companies.

  • To demonstrate your commitment and still make it clear that you’re a valuable candidate who is already on the radar of other employers, be enthusiastic while showing that you do have other opportunities.


  • I’m actively interviewing and I’m talking with a number of early stage technology companies like yours

If they press you for specific company names:
Do NOT give them company names.

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