Tuesday, January 28, 2014

One’s complement representation

  • One’s complement representation

In one's complement, positive numbers are represented as usual in regular binary.
To negate a number, replace all zeros with ones, and ones with zeros - flip the bits.
12 would be 00001100, and -12 would be 11110011
As in signed magnitude, the leftmost bit indicates the sign (1 is negative, 0 is positive).
To compute the value of a negative number, flip the bits and translate as before.


  • 11012 = 1310 (a 4-bit unsigned number)
0 1101 = +1310 (a positive number in 5-bit one’s complement)
1 0010 = -1310 (a negative number in 5-bit one’s complement)

01002 = 410 (a 4-bit unsigned number)
0 0100 = +410 (a positive number in 5-bit one’s complement)
1 1011 = -410 (a negative number in 5-bit one’s complement)


ASCII vs Unicode

On both Windows/DOS and Unix systems, the 128 most commonly-used characters are each represented by a sequence of 7 bits known as the character’s ASCII code.
They are traditionally stored as bytes (8 bits),
i.e. the 7-bit ASCII code plus a leading zero.

Java uses Unicode, in which all the characters are represented by 16 bits (2 bytes).
A total of 32,768 different characters are possible in Unicode, thereby allowing it to be a truly international character set.
The first 128 Unicode characters are the same as the ASCII characters, but with an extra leading zero byte in front of them

Unicode Test:
The file is called "testing1.txt" and was created in Notepad on Win2K
The 15 indicates the file is 15 bytes long.

Now I have saved the file as a "Unicode" file.
The file is called testing2.txt.


signed magnitude

  • 3. Represent the decimal number 107 in binary using 8-bit signed magnitude, one's complement and two's complement form.

c) Signed magnitude  01101011

    One’s complement  01101011

    Two’s complement  01101011

2. Convert the fractional decimal number 190.03125 to binary with a maximum of six places to the right of the binary point.

a) 10111110.00001

1. What are the values of X, Y and Z.

d) X=120101, Y=4266, Z=832

4. If the maximum positive number that can be represented in two's complement form is y, how many bits are used in this representation?

e) 1 + log2(y+1)

5. Given a (very) tiny computer that has a word size of 6 bits, what are the smallest negative number and the largest positive number that this computer can represent in two’s complement form?

d) Smallest Negative: (100000)2, Largest Positive: (011111)2

6. A 10-bit floating point number has 1 bit for the sign of the number, 3 bits for the exponent and 6 bits for the mantissa (which is normalized). Numbers in the exponent are in two’s complement representation. No bias is used and there are no implied bits. Show the representation for the smallest positive number this machine can representation
e) 0100100000

7. Given that the ASCII code for the character "A" is 1000001, the ASCII code for "F" would be?

c) 1000110

Here is ascii table in hex values

char  hex    decimal binary
A      41      65      1000001
B      42      66
C      43      67
D      44      68
E      45      69
F      46      70      1000110

8. A text file that is stored by using Unicode character coding system occupies 150 Kbytes.
How much space is required for another text file that contains exactly the same characters but uses ASCII character coding system?

a) 75 Kbytes

9. Given the 8-bit binary number: 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

What decimal number does this represent if the computer uses signed magnitude, one's complement and two's complement form.

a) -29(signed magnitude), -98(one's complement), -99(two's complement)


  • Signed magnitude representation

Humans use a signed-magnitude system: we add + or - in front of a magnitude to indicate the signed
We could do this in binary as well, by adding an extra sign bit to the front of our numbers.

    A 0 sign bit represents a positive number.
    A 1 sign bit represents a negative number.

        1101base2 = 13base10 (a 4-bit unsigned number)

0 1101base2 = +13base10 (a positive number in 5-bit signed magnitude)

1 1101base2 = -1310base10 (a negative number in 5-bit signed magnitude)


  • Signed Magnitude:
In signed magnitude, the left-most bit is not actually part of the number, but is just the equivalent of a +/- sign.
"0" indicates that the number is positive, "1" indicates negative.
In 8 bits, 00001100 would be 12 (break this down into (1*2^3) + (1*2^2) ).
To indicate -12, we would simply put a "1" rather than a "0" as the first bit: 10001100.


ER diagram

6. For the following Presidential ER diagram develop the relational schema using the pattern TableName(attribute-list).


  • 2. Principles of mapping ER diagrams to relational schemas. Fill in the blanks with relation and attribute names.

a. If you have an entity E with attributes A, B and C in your ER diagram, with A as the primary key, what is its corresponding relation in relational schema? [3]
a.  ____E____ (    ____A, B, C_____________  )

b. If entity F has attributes  G, H and I with G as the primary key, but is related to entity E in a 1-many relationship, what is its corresponding relation? [4]
b.  ___F____ (    _____G, H, I, A________________  )

c. If entity L with attributes M, N and P with M as the primary key, and it is related to entity E in a many-many relationship called R, what is the corresponding relation that properly establishes the relationship?  [4]

                  ___R____ (    _______A,M__________________  )


  • Limitations of E-R Designs
E-R modeling provides a set of guidelines, but does not result in a unique database schema.
Normalization theory provides a mechanism for analyzing and refining the schema produced by an E-R design, or any other design.

Medium access protocols

  • Medium access protocols

Multiple network nodes often share the same medium.
For example, several computers might connect to a wireless access point or plug into an Ethernet hub.
We need a protocol to decide which one can access the medium if more than one has information to send at the same time.
We need a media access protocol (MAC)

Some MAC protocols

CSMA/CA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance:
CSMA/CD, Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection:
Token ring:
RTS/CTS, Request to Send/Clear to Send:


Functional Dependency

  • Example Functional Dependencies

Let R be
NewStudent(stuId, lastName, major, credits, status, socSecNo)

FDs in R include

    {stuId}→{lastName}, but not the reverse
    {stuId} →{lastName, major, credits, status, socSecNo, stuId}
    {socSecNo} →{stuId, lastName, major, credits, status, socSecNo}
    {credits}→{status}, but not {status}→{credits}


    16652 is Huntingdon’s ZIP


    Picasso was born in 1881

Autobrand→Manufacturer, Engine type

    Pontiac is built by General Motors with gasoline engine

Author, Title→PublDate

    Shakespeare’s Hamlet was published in 1600

Trivial Functional Dependency

The FD X→Y is trivial if set {Y} is a subset of set {X}

Examples: If A and B are attributes of R,

    {A,B} →{A}
    {A,B} →{B}
    {A,B} →{A,B}

are all trivial FDs and will not contribute to the evaluation of normalization.


  •  (Rel. DB Design) Consider the EMP_PROJ relation schema with the attributes SSN, PNUMBER, HOURS, ENAME, PNAME, PLOC (project location). The following set of functional dependencies hold on this schema:


(5) Compute the closure of {SSN,PNUMBER} from these functional dependencies.

(1) What is a candidate key for this relation schema?
   Candidate key is {SSN, PNUMBER}.

(4) Is this schema in BCNF? State one key problem with this schema.
It is not in BCNF because SSN->ENAME is not a superkey dependency.
     Therefore, all tuples containing the same SSN will also have the same ENAME, causing redundancy.
This results in waste of space and problems with updating the data consistently.

(10) Decompose this schema into BCNF or 3NF (your choice).
     BCNF decomposition: same.


  • 5. For parts a-c, assume we have a relation with the scheme

Book (Title, Author, Publisher, PubAddress, PubZip, CopyrightYear, ISBN )
//ISBN = International Standard Book Numbers

a.  What would be the likely primary key attribute(s)? ________ISBN____________________[2]

b. List all non-trivial functional dependencies [7]?

ISBN -> {Title, Author, Publisher, PubAddress, PubZip, CopyrightYear }

{Title, Author} ->{ Publisher, PubAddress, PubZip, CopyrightYear, ISBN}

Publisher -> PubAddress, PubZip

c. If this relation were used as defined (not normalized), describe the insertion and deletion anomalies that could arise. [3]
A publisher’s address cannot be stored additionally without at least a book
A publisher’s address is replicated and if changed, would have to update many records


  • FD Axioms
Understanding: Functional Dependencies are recognized by analysis of the real world; no automation or algorithm.
Finding or recognizing them are the database designer's task.

Axiom Name      Axiom  Example
Reflexivity    if a is set of attributes, b ⊆ a, then a →b    SSN,Name → SSN
Augmentation    if a→ b holds and c is a set of attributes, then ca→cb  SSN → Name then
SSN,Phone → Name, Phone
Transitivity    if a →b holds and b→c holds, then a→ c holds    SSN →Zip and Zip → City then SSN →City
Union or Additivity *  if a → b and a → c holds then a→ bc holds      SSN→Name and SSN→Zip then SSN→Name,Zip
Decomposition or Projectivity*  if a → bc holds then a → b and a → c holds      SSN→Name,Zip then SSN→Name and SSN→Zip
Pseudotransitivity*    if a → b and cb → d hold then ac → d holds      Address → Project and Project,Date →Amount then Address,Date → Amount
(NOTE)  ab→ c does NOT imply a → b and b → c

*Armstrong's Axioms (basic axioms)


  • Consider relation R = (A, B, C, D) and the following statements for functional dependencies.
For each statement, if it is true, prove it. Otherwise, show a counter-example to disprove it.
(4 points)
(a) If A → B and A → C, then A → BC (2 points)
⇒ Answer: True.
For A → B, then A → AB (augmentation rule);
For A → C, then AB → BC (augmentation rule);
Then A → BC (transitivity rule)
(b) If A → B and C → D, then AC → BD (2 points)
⇒ Answer: True.
AC → A (reflexivity rule);
For A → B, s.t. AC → B (transitivity rule);
AC → C(reflexivity rule);
For C → D, s.t. AC → D (transitivity rule);
So AC → BD
Rubric: Each correct proof gets two points. If the answer is FALSE, the student gets zero


  • Schema Design Example

Problem 2 (10 points) Schema Design Using the following database description,
create a relational schema. Remember to identify primary keys and foriegn keys correctly. Select
approaches that yield the fewest number of relations. Remember to state any assumptions you use
while creating the schema.
Let’s create a movie database, similiar to what IMDB would use.
• A movie has an ID number, a release date, a title, and a running time.
• A movie has a number of people that work on it, including 1 director and 1 producer.
• A movie has many actors. Each actor has a character name for a particular movie.
• Each person has an ID Number, a real name, a birthday, and an address
• Our website will have users that log on. These users are different from the people associated
with the movies.
• Each user had a unique logon name and a password.
• A user can leave reviews of movies. They can only leave one review per movie, but can review
as many movies as they like.
Foriegn Keys: Movie.DirectorID is a foriegn key to Person. Movie.ProducerID is a foriegn key
to Person. Actors.MovieID is a foriegn key to Movie. Actors.PersonID is a foriegn key to Person.
Reviews.UserName is a foriegn key to Users. Reviews.MovieID is a foriegn key to Movie.


  • For the remaining questions, use the following relational schema for a music albums database.  Keys are (mostly) underlined.  The attributes should be self-evident.  If not, please ask for clarification.  For a given music track, we code the title, its play length in time (minutes:seconds), its genre (pop, metal, jazz, etc.) and a 5 star maximum rating.  The musicians, singers and instrumentalists are all listed in on their contribution to the track.  A person may have 1 or more listing for a track. For example someone may both sing and play the piano.  The album is a collection of tracks.  An album is distributed and owned by a company called the label and has a producer and an engineer.

PEOPLE (PID, name, address, zip, phone)
CSZ (zip, city, state)
TRACKS (trID, title, length, genre, rating, albID) //trID is unique across all albums
ALBUMS (albID, albumTitle, year, label, prodPID, engPID, length, price)
CONTRIBS (trID, PID, role)

a) List all names and phone numbers of people from zip 90210. [5]

SELECT P.name, P.phone
        WHERE zip = ‘90210’;  --may or may not be quoted, alias not necessary

        b) List album titles and labels and producer names with a list price of more than $18. [5]

SELECT A.albumTitle, A.label, A.price, P.name
FROM Albums A, People P
WHERE A.price > 18 AND A,prodPID=P.PID

c) List all the musicians by name and what they played or contributed to on all jazz type tracks. [5]

SELECT P.name, C.role
WHERE T.genre = ‘JAZZ’

d) Get a list of names and addresses of people who produced OR engineered an album, but did not perform on any track.  (Hint: subselect and set operations are very helpful). [6]

SELECT P.name, P.address, Z.city, Z.state, Z.zip

e) List names of musicians who have contributed in at least two different roles on the same tracks with ratings 4 or higher. (Use group by… having and not a self-join). [6]

WHERE T.rating>4

f) What is the average price of albums for each year of release (show years), but only for albums with 6 or more tracks and length of 30 or more minutes. (Need a subselect and group by having.) [8]

SELECT AVG(A.price), A.year
WHERE A.length >=30 and A.albID IN
    (SELECT T.albID
      GROUP BY T.albID
      HAVING COUNT (*)>=6
GROUP BY A.years


data independence in relational model

  • According Codd's 12 rules, there are two kinds of data independence:

Physical Data Independence requires that changes at the physical level (like data structures) have no impact in the applications that consume the database. For example, let's say you decide to stop using a Hash Index in your table and decide to use a B-Tree Index instead: Your application that executes queries against this table doesn't have to change at all.

Logical Data Independence states that changes at the logical level (tables, columns, rows) will have no impact in the applications that access the database. As you already noticed, this feature is harder to implement that Physical Data Independence but there are still cases when this feature works. For example, if you add Tables, Columns or Rows to your current scheme the already working queries aren't affected at all.

  • Logical Data Independence
Logical data independence is a kind of mechanism, which liberalizes itself from actual data stored on the disk. If we do some changes on table format it should not change the data residing on disk.
Physical Data Independence
All schemas are logical and actual data is stored in bit format on the disk. Physical data independence is the power to change the physical data without impacting the schema or logical data.
For example, in case we want to change or upgrade the storage system itself, that is, using SSD instead of Hard-disks should not have any impact on logical data or schemas.

Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm

  • Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm

When there is a collision, the stations involved in the collision will execute the binary exponential backoff algorithm to reduce the possibility of futher collisions.

When a collision is detected, the sender generates a noise burst to insure that all stations recognize the condition and aborts the transmission.
Wait 0 or 1 contention period (2  tex2html_wrap_inline740 , i.e. 2 end-to-end propagation time) before attempting transmission again.
If another collision is detected, wait 0, 1, 2, or 3 contention period. And repeat the protocol.
In general, wait between 0 and  tex2html_wrap_inline770 contention periods, where r is the number of collisions encountered.
Finally, freeze interval at 1023 contention periods after 10 attempts, and give up (report failure) after 16 attempts.


  • In a variety of computer networks, binary exponential backoff or truncated binary exponential backoff refers to an algorithm used to space out repeated retransmissions of the same block of data, often as part of network congestion avoidance.

Binary exponential backoff refers to a collision resolution mechanism used in random access MAC protocols.
This algorithm is used in Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) wired LANs. In Ethernet networks, this algorithm is commonly used to schedule retransmissions after collisions.


securerandom vs random

Instances of java.util.Random are not cryptographically secure. Consider instead using SecureRandom to get a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator for use by security-sensitive applications.

Java offers a few ways to generate random numbers, the default being java.util.Random. java.security.SecureRandom offers a more-secure extension of java.util.Random which “provides a cryptographically strong random number generator”.

If you run twice java.util.Random.nextLong() with the same seed, it will produce the same number. For security reasons you want to stick with java.security.SecureRandom because it's a lot less predictable.

The Random Class
Java states that the Random class and its subclasses must produce predictable results when seeded with the same data
This however is not why this is insecure, and it is useful when testing.
The reason that this class is predictable though is the way in which it is seeded.
The Random class, in the absence of a seed in its constructor it will seed its random number generator with the current time in milliseconds.
This means that if somebody knows the time that the Random object was seeded and has several consecutive bytes of output then they can reasonably predict the next numbers.
Once somebody has discovered the seed for the generator all number produced from it can be seen as compromised.

The SecureRandom Class
The SecureRandom class is different, it again uses algorithms that when seeded will produce predictable results, but the algorithm is much more complex.
It uses a digest algorithm such as SHA-1 on the seed and a counter to generate random data.
Its true strength however lies in the method in which it is seeded.
The SecureRandom class is seeded using true random data gathered by the operating system
This is data gathered by the OS from sources of true randomisation, such as mouse movements, network packet arrival times, IO statistics and interrupts.
On Linux the data is gathered from /dev/random and on Windows via the CryptGenRandom() call in Windows.

When using SecureRandom
The more random numbers some can get a hold of the more likely they can figure out the seed. You should either throw away the SecureRandom object every now and then or reseed it. Keeping in mind the next point though.
The seeding the generator takes entropy out of the system, if it cannot get any entropy it will block until the system has some. This means if you’re reseeding the generator too often your program will hang along with anything else on the system requiring entropy.
Don’t seed the SecureRandom class yourself, unless you are 100% absolutely sure you are seeding it with purely random data, or you are testing and need repeatable results

if what you are generating is a security token of some sort then you will need a secure generator.
For example a session id, a one time password or an encryption key.
