Sunday, February 21, 2021

How does SSL handshake work?


  • Does TLS use symmetric or asymmetric encryption?

the initial exchange is done using asymmetric.
bulk data encryption requires speed and therefore symmetric algorithms.
  • Describe the process of a TLS session being set up when someone visits a secure website.

Look for the standard responses, with the client sending helo with ciphers, server responding with a public key and picking a cipher, agreement on a shared key, etc

The SSL/TLS handshake involves a series of steps through which both the parties – client and server, validate each other and start communicating through the secure SSL/TLS tunnel.
The reason it’s called a handshake is that it’s when two parties – client and server come across each other for the first time
The handshake involves a number of steps that start from validating the identity of the other party and concludes with the generation of a common key – secret key if you may call it
a conversation between two parties (client and server) wanting to accomplish the same purpose – securing the communication with the help of symmetric encryption.

Client: “Hello there. I want to establish secure communication between the two of us. Here are my cipher suits and compatible SSL/TLS version.”

Server: “Hello Client. I have checked your cipher suits and SSL/TLS version. I think we’re good to go ahead. Here are my certificate file and my public key. Check ‘em out.

Client: “Let me verify your certificate. (After a while) Okay, it seems fine, but I need to verify your private key. What I’ll do is, I will generate and encrypt a pre-master (shared secret key) key using your public key. Decrypt it using your private key and we’ll use thing master key to encrypt and decrypt the information

Server: “Done.”

[Now that both the parties know who they’re talking to, the information transferred between them will be secured using the master-key. Keep in mind that once the verification part is over, the encryption takes place through the master-key only. This is symmetric encryption.]

Client: “I’m sending you this sample message to verify that our master-key works. Send me the decrypted version of this message. If it works, our data is in safe hands.”

Server: “Yeah, it works. I think we’ve accomplished what we were looking for.”

Breaking Down the TLS Handshake

secret key is used to encrypt/decrypt conversation
http over ssl thus on application layer of OSI model
encryption decryption processes thus on presentation layer of OSI model
point to point session security thus on session layer of OSI model
ssl protocol in application layer in TCP/IP model 

  • Asymmetric vs symmetric encryption

The handshake itself uses asymmetric encryption – two separate keys are used, one public and one private. Since asymmetric encryption systems have much higher overhead, they are not usable to provide full-time, real-world security. Thus, the public key is used for encryption and the private key for decryption during the handshake only, which allows the two parties to confidentially set up and exchange a newly-created “shared key”. The session itself uses this single shared key to perform symmetric encryption, and this is what makes a secure connection feasible in actual practice (the overhead is vastly lower). So the full and correct answer to “Is SSL/TLS encryption asymmetric or symmetric?” is “First one, then the other.”

  • What is a “cipher suite?
The handshake itself has multiple stages, each managed according to different rules.
a series of separate back and forth negotiations (about what keys to use, how to encrypt the handshake itself, how to authenticate the handshake and so forth) the parties can agree to use a “cipher suite” – a pre-existing selection or kit of agreed-upon components. 
TLS specifications allow for quite a number of cipher suites, and the client and server will almost always have access to one they can both employ.

Basic vs mutually-authenticated handshake
Another confusing point is that the basic model we described above lets the client verify the server, and the vast majority of sessionssecured by TLS only require this.
some cipher suites will require the client to also send a certificate and public key for mutual authentication of both parties. This two-way authentication will of course add overhead to the handshake

Different sessions will have different security parameters
Each new handshake creates a new session, and the settings used in one can differ drastically from another depending on the cipher suite chosen.
Depending on the cipher suite, some steps may be added (like the requirement for two-way authentication) or absent. In fact, there are actually cipher suites that negotiate a session to use no encryption whatsoever

  • 12. What are the differences between HTTPS, SSL, and TLS?

HTTPS is hypertext transfer protocol and secures communications over a network. TLS is transport layer security and is a successor protocol to SSL.

  • An Overview of One-Way SSL and Two-Way SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the standard technology used for enabling secure communication between a client and sever to ensure data security & integrity. 

How One-Way SSL Works?
In one way SSL, only client validates the server to ensure that it receives data from the intended server. For implementing one-way SSL, server shares its public certificate with the clients

How Two-Way (Mutual) SSL works?
both client and server authenticate each other to ensure that both parties involved in the communication are trusted. Both parties share their public certificates to each other and then verification/validation is performed based on that.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

MAC Address

  •  MAC Address

Stands for "Media Access Control Address,"

A MAC address is a hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network.

The MAC address is manufactured into every network card, such as an Ethernet card or Wi-Fi card, and therefore cannot be changed

MAC addresses are made up of six two-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated by colons.

For example, an Ethernet card may have a MAC address of 00:0d:83:b1:c0:8e.,each%20device%20on%20a%20network.&text=For%20this%20reason%2C%20MAC%20addresses,hexadecimal%20numbers%2C%20separated%20by%20colons.

  • MAC addresses are primarily assigned by device manufacturers, and are therefore often referred to as the burned-in address, or as an Ethernet hardware address, hardware address, or physical address.

Many network interfaces, however, support changing their MAC address. 

Network nodes with multiple network interfaces, such as routers and multilayer switches, must have a unique MAC address for each NIC in the same network. However, two NICs connected to two different networks can share the same MAC address

Within the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network model, MAC addresses are used in the medium access control protocol sublayer of the data link layer. 

As typically represented, MAC addresses are recognizable as six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens, colons, or without a separator.

  • Reasons you might want to change your MAC_address

It’s more of a spoofing than changing since this is done at the software level.

here are a few occasions where you might want to change your device’s MAC.

You want to re-use an already-approved MAC address on a new device — the reason many routers have a “MAC clone” feature. (By the way, in this case, on the reverse, if you change the MAC of an approved device, it will be disconnected.)

You know your computer has been blocked or restricted from a network and want to sneak through.

You’re about to join a new network — like a public Wi-Fi — and don’t want folks to know your device’s real MAC.

How to figure out your device’s MAC

For example, on a router or a modem, the address is generally on the underside of the hardware itself. Just flip it up and take a close look.

On a mobile device (like a phone) tends how this in the “About Device” area of the operating system.

Since MAC and IP are closely related, the two are almost always stored next to each other. In other words, if you see the IP, chances are the MAC is around.

How to change a device’s MAC address

That’s probably because you really cannot permanently change a device’s MAC address anyway.

What you can do is disguise a NIC’s real MAC address as another using software. This change is temporary. When you reset (or re-install) the application, or move the NIC to a different device, or sometimes even restart the device, its real MAC address will return.

keep in mind the limited sense of the word “change” in this case. I’d say “MAC spoofing” is a more accurate choice of expression.

Generally, though, you can change the MAC of a router or a computer

How to change the MAC address of a router

It’s only possible to change a router’s MAC address if the router has the MAC Clone feature — most routers do.

Or you can choose to clone the MAC of the computer you’re using. After that, apply the change, and the router will carry that MAC address until you reset it to default factory settings.

How to change the MAC address of a Windows computer

How to change the MAC address of a Mac computer

The takeaway

if you ever wonder what will happen if two devices are sharing the same MAC address in a network. The answer is entirely predictable.

Though extremely rare, this can occur, and I have deliberately made that happen just for kicks. In this case, both devices will get the same IP address, and you’ll have an IP conflict situation, and neither device will get connected.