Tuesday, August 14, 2012

hibernate interview questions

  • What is ORM ?

ORM stands for object/relational mapping. ORM is the automated persistence of objects in a Java application to the tables in a relational database.

  • What are the ORM levels ?

  Pure relational (stored procedure.)
  Light objects mapping (JDBC)
  Medium object mapping
  Full object Mapping (composition,inheritance, polymorphism, persistence by reachability)

  • What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is a pure Java object-relational mapping (ORM) and persistence framework that allows you to map plain old Java objects to relational database tables using (XML) configuration files.Its purpose is to relieve the developer from a significant amount of relational data persistence-related programming tasks.

  • Why do you need ORM tools like hibernate?

The main advantage of ORM like hibernate is that it shields developers from messy SQL. Apart from this, ORM provides following benefits:
  Improved productivity
  High-level object-oriented API
  Less Java code to write
  No SQL to write

  Improved performance
  Sophisticated caching
  Lazy loading
  Eager loading

  Improved maintainability
  A lot less code to write
  Improved portability
  ORM framework generates database-specific SQL for you

  • What is the need for Hibernate xml mapping file?

Hibernate mapping file tells Hibernate which tables and columns to use to load and store objects.

  • What are the most common methods of Hibernate configuration?

The most common methods of Hibernate configuration are:
  Programmatic configuration
  XML configuration hibernate.cfg.xml (or hibernate.properties)

  • How do you configure Hibernate?

The configuration files hibernate.cfg.xml (or hibernate.properties) and mapping files *.hbm.xml are used by the Configuration class to create (i.e. configure and bootstrap hibernate) the SessionFactory, which in turn creates the Session instances. Session instances are the primary interface for the persistence service.

• hibernate.cfg.xml (alternatively can use hibernate.properties): These two files are used to configure the hibernate sevice (connection driver class, connection URL, connection username, connection password, dialect etc). If both files are present in the classpath then hibernate.cfg.xml file overrides the settings found in the hibernate.properties file.

• Mapping files (*.hbm.xml): These files are used to map persistent objects to a relational database. It is the best practice to store each object in an individual mapping file (i.e mapping file per class) because storing large number of persistent classes into one mapping file can be difficult to manage and maintain. The naming convention is to use the same name as the persistent (POJO) class name. For example Account.class will have a mapping file named Account.hbm.xml. Alternatively hibernate annotations can be used as part of your persistent class code instead of the *.hbm.xml files


  • hibernate optimistic vs pessimistic locking

How does one handle the fact that 2 people want to update the same record at the same time?

1. Do Nothing
- User 1 reads a record
- User 2 reads the same record
- User 1 updates that record
- User 2 updates the same record
User 2 has now over-written the changes that User 1 made. They are completely gone, as if they never happened. This is called a 'lost update'.

2. Lock the record when it is read. Pessimistic locking
- User 1 reads a record *and locks it* by putting an exclusive lock on the record (FOR UPDATE clause)
- User 2 attempts to read *and lock* the same record, but must now wait behind User 1
- User 1 updates the record (and, of course, commits)
- User 2 can now read the record *with the changes that User 1 made*
- User 2 updates the record complete with the changes from User 1
The lost update problem is solved. The problem with this approach is concurrency. User 1 is locking a record that they might not ever update. User 2 cannot even read the record because they want an exclusive lock when reading as well.

3. Use Optimistic Locking. Optimistic locking does not use exclusive locks when reading. Instead, a check is made during the update to make sure that the record has not been changed since it was read. This can be done by checking every field in the table
*Most* people implement this, instead, through a single column, usually called timestamp. This column is used *for no other purpose* than implementing optimistic concurrency. It can be a number or a date. The idea is that it is given a value when the row is inserted. Whenever the record is read, the timestamp column is read as well. When an update is performed, the timestamp column is checked. If it has the same value at UPDATE time as it did when it was read, then all is well, the UPDATE is performed and *the timestamp is changed!*. If the timestamp value is different at UPDATE time, then an error is returned to the user - they must re-read the record, re-make their changes, and try to update the record again


You add a version field to your table and a version element to your mapping file. When you update a Hibernate object Hibernate will check the version values match. If they do the update is successful, and the version is incremented, if they are not Hibernate throws a StaleObjectException and you know that something else has updated your data.

Pessimistic locking is provided by specifying a LockMode when you get an object from the database.
Hibernate will use database specific SQL to lock the record (if your database supports it) such as "select ... for update".
Now nothing can update that record till you are finished.

"Optimistic locking" is more scalable than pessimistic locking when dealing with a
highly concurrent environment

pessimistic locking is a better solution for situations where the possibility of simultaneous updates to the same data by multiple sources
(for example, different applications use same database to update) is common, hence making the possibility of "data clobbering" , a
likely scenario.

Pessimistic locking is when you want to reserve a record for exclusive update by
locking the database record(entire table). Hibernate supports pessimistic locking
(using the underlying database, not in-memory) via one of the following methods:

1. Session.get
2. Session.load
3. Session.lock
4. Session.refresh
5. Query.setLockMode

Optimistic locking means that you will not lock a given database record or table and
instead check a property of some sort (for example, a timestamp column) to
ensure the data has not changed since you read it. Hibernate supports this using a
version property, which can either be checked manually by the application or automatically
by Hibernate for a given session


Hibernate vs EJB 3.0

  • Hibernate 

  1. Session–Cache or collection of loaded objects relating to a single unit of work 
  2. XDoclet Annotations used to support Attribute Oriented Programming
  3. Defines HQL for expressing queries to the database 
  4. Supports Entity Relationships through mapping files and annotations in JavaDoc 
  5. Provides a Persistence Manager API exposed via the Session, Query, Criteria, and Transaction API 
  6. Provides callback support through lifecycle, interceptor, and validatable interfaces 
  7. Entity Relationships are unidirectional. Bidirectional relationships are implemented by two unidirectional relationships 

  • EJB 3.0 

  1. Persistence Context-Set of entities that can be managed by a given EntityManager is defined by a persistence unit 
  2. Java 5.0 Annotations used to support Attribute Oriented Programming 
  3. Defines EJB QL for expressing queries
  4. Support Entity Relationships through Java 5.0 annotations  
  5. Provides and Entity Manager Interface for managing CRUD operations for an Entity 
  6. Provides callback support through Entity Listener and Callback methods 
  7. Entity Relationships are bidirectional or unidirectional 


Hibernate vs JDBC?

    With JDBC, developer has to write code to map an object model's data representation to a relational data model and its corresponding database schema.
    Hibernate is flexible and powerful ORM solution to map Java classes to database tables. Hibernate itself takes care of this mapping using XML files so developer does not need to write code for this.

          With JDBC, the automatic mapping of Java objects with database tables and vice versa conversion is to be taken care of by the developer manually with lines of code.
            Hibernate provides transparent persistence and developer does not need to write code explicitly to map database tables tuples to application objects during interaction with RDBMS.

                  JDBC supports only native Structured Query Language (SQL). Developer has to find out the efficient way to access database, i.e. to select effective query from a number of queries to perform same task.
                    Hibernate provides a powerful query language Hibernate Query Language (independent from type of database) that is expressed in a familiar SQL like syntax and includes full support for polymorphic queries. Hibernate also supports native SQL statements. It also selects an effective way to perform a database manipulation task for an application.

                            Application using JDBC to handle persistent data (database tables) having database specific code in large amount. The code written to map table data to application objects and vice versa is actually to map table fields to object properties. As table changed or database changed then it’s essential to change object structure as well as to change code written to map table-to-object/object-to-table.
                              Hibernate provides this mapping itself. The actual mapping between tables and application objects is done in XML files. If there is change in Database or in any table then the only need to change XML file properties.

                                    With JDBC, it is developer’s responsibility to handle JDBC result set and convert it to Java objects through code to use this persistent data in application. So with JDBC, mapping between Java objects and database tables is done manually.
                                      Hibernate reduces lines of code by maintaining object-table mapping itself and returns result to application in form of Java objects. It relieves programmer from manual handling of persistent data, hence reducing the development time and maintenance cost.

                                              With JDBC, caching is maintained by hand-coding.
                                                Hibernate, with Transparent Persistence, cache is set to application work space. Relational tuples are moved to this cache as a result of query. It improves performance if client application reads same data many times for same write. Automatic Transparent Persistence allows the developer to concentrate more on business logic rather than this application code.

                                                      In JDBC there is no check that always every user has updated data. This check has to be added by the developer.
                                                        Hibernate enables developer to define version type field to application, due to this defined field Hibernate updates version field of database table every time relational tuple is updated in form of Java class object to that table. So if two users retrieve same tuple and then modify it and one user save this modified tuple to database, version is automatically updated for this tuple by Hibernate. When other user tries to save updated tuple to database then it does not allow saving it because this user does not have updated data.


                                                        • Why is Hibernate better than JDBC?

                                                        1) Relational Persistence for JAVA
                                                        Working with both Object-Oriented software and Relational Database is complicated task with JDBC because there is mismatch between how data is represented in objects versus relational database. So with JDBC, developer has to write code to map an object model's data representation to a relational data model and its corresponding database schema. Hibernate is flexible and powerful ORM solution to map Java classes to database tables. Hibernate itself takes care of this mapping using XML files so developer does not need to write code for this.

                                                        2) Transparent Persistence
                                                        The automatic mapping of Java objects with database tables and vice versa is called Transparent Persistence. Hibernate provides transparent persistence and developer does not need to write code explicitly to map database tables tuples to application objects during interaction with RDBMS. With JDBC this conversion is to be taken care of by the developer manually with lines of code.

                                                        3) Support for Query Language
                                                        JDBC supports only native Structured Query Language (SQL). Developer has to find out the efficient way to access database, i.e to select effective query from a number of queries to perform same task. Hibernate provides a powerful query language Hibernate Query Language (independent from type of database) that is expressed in a familiar SQL like syntax and includes full support for polymorphic queries. Hibernate also supports native SQL statements. It also selects an effective way to perform a database manipulation task for an application.

                                                        4) Database Dependent Code
                                                        Application using JDBC to handle persistent data (database tables) having database specific code in large amount. The code written to map table data to application objects and vice versa is actually to map table fields to object properties. As table changed or database changed then it’s essential to change object structure as well as to change code written to map table-to-object/object-to-table. Hibernate provides this mapping itself. The actual mapping between tables and application objects is done in XML files. If there is change in Database or in any table then the only need to change XML file properties.

                                                        5) Maintenance Cost
                                                        With JDBC, it is developer’s responsibility to handle JDBC result set and convert it to Java objects through code to use this persistent data in application. So with JDBC, mapping between Java objects and database tables is done manually. Hibernate reduces lines of code by maintaining object-table mapping itself and returns result to application in form of Java objects. It relieves programmer from manual handling of persistent data, hence reducing the development time and maintenance cost.

                                                        6) Optimize Performance
                                                        Caching is retention of data, usually in application to reduce disk access. Hibernate, with Transparent Persistence, cache is set to application work space. Relational tuples are moved to this cache as a result of query. It improves performance if client application reads same data many times for same write. Automatic Transparent Persistence allows the developer to concentrate more on business logic rather than this application code. With JDBC, caching is maintained by hand-coding.

                                                        7) Automatic Versioning and Time Stamping
                                                        By database versioning one can be assured that the changes done by one person is not being roll backed by another one unintentionally. Hibernate enables developer to define version type field to application, due to this defined field Hibernate updates version field of database table every time relational tuple is updated in form of Java class object to that table. So if two users retrieve same tuple and then modify it and one user save this modified tuple to database, version is automatically updated for this tuple by Hibernate. When other user tries to save updated tuple to database then it does not allow to save it because this user does not has updated data. In JDBC there is no check that always every user has updated data. This check has to be added by the developer.

                                                        8) Open-Source, Zero-Cost Product License
                                                        Hibernate is an open source and free to use for both development and production deployments.

                                                        9) Enterprise-Class Reliability and Scalability
                                                        Hibernate scales well in any environment, no matter if use it in-house Intranet that serves hundreds of users or for mission-critical applications that serve hundreds of thousands. JDBC can not be scaled easily.

                                                        Disadvantages of Hibernate
                                                        1) Steep learning curve.

                                                        2) Use of Hibernate is an overhead for the applications which are :
                                                        • simple and use one database that never change
                                                        • need to put data to database tables, no further SQL queries
                                                        • there are no objects which are mapped to two different tables
                                                        Hibernate increases extra layers and complexity. So for these types of applications JDBC is the best choice.

                                                        3) Support for Hibernate on Internet is not sufficient.
                                                        4) Anybody wanting to maintain application using Hibernate will need to know Hibernate.
                                                        5) For complex data, mapping from Object-to-tables and vise versa reduces performance and increases time of conversion.
                                                        6) Hibernate does not allow some type of queries which are supported by JDBC. For example It does not allow to insert multiple objects (persistent data) to same table using single query. Developer has to write separate query to insert each object.

                                                        Dipti Phutela, Mindfire Solutions

                                                        hibernate vs ibatis

                                                        Hibernate works very well if your data model is well in sync with object model, because ORM solutions like Hibernate map object to tables. However, let’s suppose data model is not in sync with object model, in this case you have do lot of additional coding and complexities are entering into your application, start coming the beyond the benefits of ORM

                                                        iBatis maps results sets to objects, so no need to care about table structures. This works very well for stored procedures, works very well for reporting applications

                                                        * Use iBatis if
                                                        o You want to create your own SQL's and are willing to maintain them
                                                        o your environment is driven by relational data model
                                                        o you have to work existing and complex schema's

                                                        * Use Hibernate if
                                                        o your environment is driven by object model and wants generates SQL automatically

                                                        What is iBatis ?

                                                        * A JDBC Framework
                                                        o Developers write SQL, iBATIS executes it using JDBC.
                                                        o No more try/catch/finally/try/catch.
                                                        * An SQL Mapper
                                                        o Automatically maps object properties to prepared statement parameters.
                                                        o Automatically maps result sets to objects.
                                                        o Support for getting rid of N+1 queries.
                                                        * A Transaction Manager
                                                        o iBATIS will provide transaction management for database operations if no other transaction manager is available.
                                                        o iBATIS will use external transaction management (Spring, EJB CMT, etc.) if available.
                                                        * Great integration with Spring, but can also be used without Spring (the Spring folks were early supporters of iBATIS).

                                                        What isn’t iBATIS ?

                                                        * An ORM
                                                        o Does not generate SQL
                                                        o Does not have a proprietary query language
                                                        o Does not know about object identity
                                                        o Does not transparently persist objects
                                                        o Does not build an object cache

                                                        iBatis is a very lightweight persistence solution that gives you most of the semantics of an O/R Mapping toolkit

                                                        iBATIS strives to ease the development of data-driven applications by abstracting the low-level details involved in database communication (loading a database driver, obtaining and managing connections, managing transaction semantics, etc.), as well as providing higher-level ORM capabilities (automated and configurable mapping of objects to SQL calls, data type conversion management, support for static queries as well as dynamic queries based upon an object's state, mapping of complex joins to complex object graphs, etc.).

                                                        iBATIS simply maps JavaBeans to SQL statements using a very simple XML descriptor


                                                        What is the difference between UML and RUP?

                                                        The unified modeling languege  is a standardized specification language for object modeling. UML is a general-purpose modeling language that includes a graphical notation used to create an abstract model of a system, referred to as a UML model.


                                                        While RUP is The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an iterative software development process framework created by the Rational Software Corporation, a division of IBM since 2003.
                                                        RUP is not a single concrete prescriptive process, but rather an adaptable process framework, intended to be tailored by the development organizations and software project teams that will select the elements of the process that are appropriate for their needs.


                                                        oracle 11g new features

                                                        Pivot queries involve transposing rows into columns (pivot) or columns into rows (unpivot) to generate results in crosstab format


                                                        WSUS DEPLOYMENT STRATEGIES

                                                        I have a Host Server running virtual guests. These guests are Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2000 Server. I also have another Server setup for WSUS. I first deploy the updates via the WSUS server to the virtual guests and watch out for potential problems. If the applications and services come backup up without any problems. I then schedule downtime and apply them on production machines

                                                        Service Packs and Update rollups should be tested thoroughly first in Dev and Post Production (PPE) and then ported to live when you are ready.

                                                        ps:could not find reference sorry

                                                        struts interview questions

                                                        • What is MVC? 

                                                        Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern put together to help control change. MVC decouples interface from business logic and data.
                                                          Model : The model contains the core of the application's functionality. The model encapsulates the state of the application. Sometimes the only functionality it contains is state. It knows nothing about the view or controller.
                                                          View: The view provides the presentation of the model. It is the look of the application. The view can access the model getters, but it has no knowledge of the setters. In addition, it knows nothing about the controller. The view should be notified when changes to the model occur.
                                                          Controller:The controller reacts to the user input. It creates and sets the model.

                                                        • What is a framework? 

                                                        A framework is made up of the set of classes which allow us to use a library in a best possible way for a specific requirement.

                                                        • What is Struts framework? 

                                                        Struts framework is an open-source framework for developing the web applications in Java EE, based on MVC-2 architecture.

                                                        • What are the components of Struts?

                                                        Struts components can be categorize into Model, View and Controller:

                                                          Model: Components like business logic /business processes and data are the part of model.
                                                          View: HTML, JSP are the view components.
                                                          Controller: Action Servlet of Struts is part of Controller components which works as front controller to handle all the requests.

                                                        • What is ActionServlet?

                                                        ActionServlet is a simple servlet which is the backbone of all Struts applications. It is the main Controller component that handles client requests and determines which Action will process each received request

                                                        • What is role of ActionServlet?

                                                        ActionServlet performs the role of Controller:
                                                          Process user requests
                                                          Determine what the user is trying to achieve according to the request
                                                          Pull data from the model (if necessary) to be given to the appropriate view,
                                                          Select the proper view to respond to the user
                                                          Delegates most of this grunt work to Action classes
                                                          Is responsible for initialization and clean-up of resources

                                                        • What design patterns are used in Struts?

                                                        Struts is based on model 2 MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
                                                        Struts controller uses the command design pattern and the action classes use the adapter design pattern.
                                                        The process() method of the RequestProcessor uses the template method design pattern.

                                                        Struts also implement the following J2EE design patterns.
                                                          Service to Worker
                                                          Dispatcher View
                                                          Composite View (Struts Tiles)
                                                          Front Controller
                                                          View Helper
                                                          Synchronizer Token


                                                        JSF interview questions

                                                        • What is JSF (or JavaServer Faces

                                                        A server side user interface component framework for Java technology-based web applications
                                                        JSF contains an API for representing UI components and managing their state; handling events, server-side validation, and data conversion; defining page navigation; supporting internationalization and accessibility; and providing extensibility for all these features.

                                                        • What are the advantages of JSF?

                                                        user interfaces can be created easily with its built-in UI component library, which handles most of the complexities of user interface management.
                                                        * Offers a clean separation between behavior and presentation.
                                                        * Provides a rich architecture for managing component state, processing component data, validating user input, and handling events.
                                                        * Robust event handling mechanism.
                                                        * Events easily tied to server-side code.
                                                        * Render kit support for different clients
                                                        * Component-level control over statefulness
                                                        * Highly ‘pluggable’ - components, view handler, etc
                                                        * JSF also supports internationalization and accessibility
                                                        * Offers multiple, standardized vendor implementations

                                                        • What are the available implementations of JavaServer Faces?

                                                        The main implementations of JavaServer Faces are:
                                                        * Reference Implementation (RI) by Sun Microsystems.
                                                        * Apache MyFaces is an open source JavaServer Faces (JSF) implementation or run-time.
                                                        * ADF Faces is Oracle’s implementation for the JSF standard.

                                                        • What typical JSF application consists of?

                                                        A typical JSF application consists of the following parts:
                                                        * JavaBeans components for managing application state and behavior.
                                                        * Event-driven development (via listeners as in traditional GUI development).
                                                        * Pages that represent MVC-style views; pages reference view roots via the JSF component tree.

                                                        • What is Managed Bean?

                                                        JavaBean objects managed by a JSF implementation are called managed beans. A managed bean describes how a bean is created and managed

                                                        • What is Backing Bean?

                                                        Backing beans are JavaBeans components associated with UI components used in a page. Backing-bean management separates the definition of UI component objects from objects that perform application-specific processing and hold data

                                                        • What advantages does struts have over jsf?

                                                        Because Struts is a web application framework, it has a more sophisticated controller architecture than does JavaServer Faces technology
                                                        Application developer can access the controller by creating an Action object that can integrate with the controller, whereas JavaServer Faces technology does not allow access to the controller.
                                                        the Struts controller can do things like access control on each Action based on user roles. This functionality is not provided by JavaServer Faces
                                                        Struts includes a powerful layout management framework, called Tiles, which allows you to create templates that you can reuse across multiple pages, thus enabling you to establish an overall look-and-feel for an application
                                                        The Struts validation framework includes a larger set of standard validators, which automatically generate both server-side and client-side validation code based on a set of rules in a configuration file.

                                                        • What advantages does jsf have over struts?

                                                        * Eliminated the need for a Form Bean
                                                        * Eliminated the need for a DTO Class
                                                        * Allows the use of the same POJO on all Tiers because of the Backing Bean

                                                        The greatest advantage that JavaServer Faces technology has over Struts is its flexible, extensible UI component model, which includes:
                                                        –> A standard component API for specifying the state and behavior of a wide range of components, including simple components, such as input fields, and more complex components, such as scrollable data tables. Developers can also create their own components based on these APIs, and many third parties have already done so and have made their component libraries publicly available.
                                                        –> A separate rendering model that defines how to render the components in various ways. For example, a component used for selecting an item from a list can be rendered as a menu or a set of radio buttons.
                                                        An event and listener model that defines how to handle events generated by activating a component, such as what to do when a user clicks a button.
                                                        –> Conversion and validation models for converting and validating component data.


                                                        • Learn JSF 2.0 — Presentation on the JSF 2.0


                                                        • What Is Facelets?

                                                        Facelets is a powerful but lightweight page declaration language that is used to build JavaServer Faces views using HTML style templates and to build component trees. Facelets features include the following:

                                                            Use of XHTML for creating web pages

                                                            Support for Facelets tag libraries in addition to JavaServer Faces and JSTL tag libraries

                                                            Support for the Expression Language (EL)

                                                            Templating for components and pages

                                                        Advantages of Facelets for large-scale development projects include the following:

                                                            Support for code reuse through templating and composite components

                                                            Functional extensibility of components and other server-side objects through customization

                                                            Faster compilation time

                                                            Compile-time EL validation

                                                            High-performance rendering


                                                        The SpringBeanFacesELResolver is the glue that allows JSF pages to use Spring beans is if they were @ManagedBeans.

                                                        • The SpringBeanFacesELResolver is the glue that allows JSF pages to use Spring beans is if they were @ManagedBeans.

                                                        • JSF2-Overview

                                                        A set of Web-based GUI controls and handlers?
                                                        – JSF provides many prebuilt HTML-oriented GUI controls, along
                                                        with code to handle their events.
                                                        • A device-independent GUI control framework?
                                                        – JSF can be used to generate graphics in formats other than HTML,
                                                        using protocols other than HTTP.
                                                        • An MVC-based Web app framework?
                                                        – Like Apache Struts, JSF can be viewed as an MVC framework for
                                                        building HTML forms, validating their values, invoking business
                                                        logic, and displaying results.
                                                        • An Ajax library?
                                                        – JSF 2.0 provides very easy-to-use Ajax support. So, JSF 2.0 can be
                                                        viewed as an alternative to jQuery or GWT.
                                                        • But which is the proper way to view JSF?
                                                        – The answer depends on what you are going to use it for, but 1 & 3
                                                        are the most common ways of looking at JSF

                                                        Integrated Ajax support
                                                        – You can use jQuery, Dojo, or Ext-JS with servlets and JSP. However, JSF
                                                        lets you use Ajax without explicit JavaScript programming and with very
                                                        simple tags. Also, the Ajax calls know about the server-side business logic

                                                        Page templating
                                                        – Although JSP has jsp:include for reuse of content, JSF has a full-fledged
                                                        page templating system that lets you build pages that share layout or

                                                        JSF 2 vs. Struts 2

                                                        You decide that for your application, the benefits (power)
                                                        of using a Web application framework [vs. servlets/JSP
                                                        with MVC] outweigh the disadvantages (complexity)
                                                        • Problem
                                                        – JSF is not the only game in town
                                                        • Alternatives
                                                        – Struts is the most popular alternative to JSF
                                                        – But there are many more
                                                        • Spring MVC
                                                        • Apache Wicket
                                                        • Apache Tapestry
                                                        • jMaki

                                                        Advantages of JSF
                                                        (vs. Struts)

                                                        • Custom components
                                                        JSF makes it relatively easy to combine complex GUIs into a single
                                                        manageable component; Struts does not
                                                        There are many existing third-party component libraries for JSF,
                                                        virtually none for Struts
                                                        • PrimeFaces, JBoss RichFaces, Oracle ADF, IceFaces, Apache
                                                        Tomahawk, Woodstock, Web Galileo, …

                                                        Official part of Java EE
                                                        – JSF is part of the  Java EE spec, and all servers that support Java EE
                                                        include JSF (JSF 2.0 is part of Java EE 6)

                                                        Simpler controller and bean definitions
                                                        – JSF does not require your controller and bean classes to extend
                                                        any particular parent class (e.g., Action) or use any particular
                                                        method (e.g., execute). Struts does.

                                                        Disadvantages of JSF (vs. Struts)

                                                        Confusion vs. file names
                                                        – The actual pages used in JSF end in .xhtml. But the URLs used
                                                        end in .faces or .jsf. This causes many problems.
                                                        • You cannot browse directories and click on links
                                                        • It is hard to protect raw XHTML pages from access
                                                        • It is hard to refer to non-faces pages in faces-config.xml

                                                        Self-submit approach
                                                        – With Struts, the form (blah.jsp) and the handler (blah.do)have
                                                        different URLs; with JSF they are the same (blah.jsf).

                                                        Much weaker automatic validation
                                                        – Struts comes with form-field validators for email address,
                                                        credit card numbers, regular expressions, and more. JSF
                                                        only comes with validators for missing values, length of
                                                        input, and numbers in a given range.
                                                        • You can use third-party validation libraries with JSF (e.g.,
                                                        MyFaces/Tomahawk built on the Struts/Commons
                                                        validation library), but still not as powerful as Struts

                                                        Lack of client-side validation
                                                        – Struts supports JavaScript-based form-field validation;
                                                        JSF does not
                                                        • You can use Ajax-based validation in JSF, but still not as
                                                        good as the true client-side validation in Struts

                                                        JSF 2.0 vs. JSF 1.x

                                                        New features vs. JSF 1.x
                                                        – Smart defaults
                                                        – Annotations to replace many faces-config.xml entries
                                                        – Ajax support
                                                        – Integrated support for facelets
                                                        – Simpler custom components
                                                        – More components and validators
                                                        – Support for Groovy
                                                        – Ability to bookmark results pages
                                                        – Lots more

                                                        Main JSF 2.0 Implementations

                                                        un/Oracle Mojarra
                                                        – Main page: http://javaserverfaces.java.net/
                                                        – Runs in any server supporting servlets 2.5 or later
                                                        – Also integrated into Glassfish 3
                                                        • Apache MyFaces
                                                        – Main page: http://myfaces.apache.org/core20/
                                                        – Runs in any server supporting servlets 2.5 or later
                                                        – Also integrated into Apache Geronimo 3
                                                        • Any Java EE 6 server
                                                        – JSF 2.0 is an official part of Java EE 6
                                                        • JBoss 6, Glassfish 3, WebLogic 11, WebSphere 8,
                                                        Geronimo 3, etc.


                                                        • Getting required software

                                                        – Installing Java SE 6 or 7
                                                        – Installing Eclipse (Java EE version)
                                                        – Installing a server for JSF 2.0
                                                        • Tomcat 6 or 7 (also needs javax.faces-2.1.x .jar)   or
                                                        • Any Java EE 6 server (e.g., Glassfish 3)

                                                        Requirements for Running JSF 2
                                                        – Servers that just support servlets 2.5 or later (e.g., Tomcat 6 or 7) need JSF
                                                        JAR file (javax.faces-2.1.7.jar in Mojarra, but could have other name)
                                                        • In addition, JSTL 1.2 JAR files needed if you use ui:repeat tag
                                                        • JSF 2.0 also runs on the Google cloud server (which uses Jetty)
                                                        – Servers that support Java EE 6 (e.g., Glassfish 3, JBoss 6, WebLogic 11g)
                                                        have built-in support for JSF 2.0 & JSTL 1.2
                                                        • All tutorial examples run on Tomcat 6, Tomcat 7, & Glassfish 3

                                                        o run on Tomcat
                                                        – Install Java
                                                        • Java 5 or later
                                                        – Install an IDE
                                                        • I use Eclipse 3.8 (Juno)
                                                        – Download Tomcat 6 or 7
                                                        • Or any server supporting
                                                        servlets 2.5
                                                        – Get JSF 2.x JAR files
                                                        • javax.faces-2.1.x .jar
                                                        • (JSTL 1.2 JAR files)
                                                        • Download from Oracle
                                                        Mojarra or Apache
                                                        – web.xml, faces-config.xml
                                                        • Required entries shown
                                                        later in tutorial

                                                        To run on Glassfish
                                                        – Install Java
                                                        • Java 6 or later
                                                        – Install an IDE
                                                        • I use Eclipse 3.8 (Juno)
                                                        – Download Glassfish 3
                                                        • Or any server supporting
                                                        Java EE 6
                                                        – No extra JAR files needed
                                                        • Java EE 6 has built-in
                                                        support for JSF 2.0
                                                        – web.xml, faces-config.xml
                                                        • Required entries shown
                                                        later in tuto

                                                        Tell Eclipse about Java version
                                                        – Window ?Preferences ?Java ?
                                                        Installed JREs ?Press “Add”, choose
                                                        “Standard VM”, navigate to JDK folder
                                                        (not “bin” subdirectory)
                                                        • E.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_35

                                                        SF 2.0 support
                                                        – Eclipse 3.8 has support for JSF 2.
                                                        • R-click and add Project Facet for JSF 2
                                                        • R-click .xhtml files and
                                                        Open With, Web Page Editor
                                                        • Double-click faces-config.xml

                                                        Downloading JSF 2.0 From  Scratch (Mojarra)

                                                        Required JAR files: javax.faces-2.1.x.jar
                                                        – Goes in the WEB-INF/lib folder of your projects.
                                                        – Download
                                                        • http://javaserverfaces.java.net/download.html
                                                        • Click on latest 2.x .y binary bundle
                                                        • Download and grab the JAR file from lib folder
                                                        • Suggested: jstl-1.2-api.jar, jstl-1.2-impl.jar
                                                        – Although the Mojarra Web site states that only the
                                                        javax.faces…jar file is needed, the standard ui:repeat tags
                                                        use JSTL 1.2 internally. So, the JSTL JARs are highly
                                                        – Download
                                                        • http://jstl.java.net/download.html
                                                        • Click on both “API” and “Implementation” links

                                                        Declares this as managed bean, without requiring entry in faces-config.xml
                                                        Since no scope given, it is request scope.

                                                        Since no name given, name is the class name with the first letter changed to lower case (i.e., healthPlanBean).

                                                        Since there are no explicit navigation rules in faces-config,
                                                        these return values correspond to accepted.xhtml and rejected.xhtml (in same folder as page that has the form).


                                                        • the most important features that are new in JSF 2.0

                                                        Facelets, not JSP, is the standard technology for all your JSF pages. Name the pages blah.xhtml, but use the URL blah.jsf (assuming a url-pattern of *.jsf in web.xml). Use xhtml format for the pages themselves. Don't use @taglib, but instead use xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html". Then, use h:head, h:body, and h:form (but not usually f:view) in the page

                                                        You can use default bean names. Instead of declaring beans with managed-bean in faces-config.xml, you can put @ManagedBean above the class definition. Then, take the bean classname, change the first letter to lower case, and use that as the managed bean name. For example, if the class is package1.package2.MyBean, you would use #{myBean.whatever} in your code. You can also do @ManagedBean(name="someName"). Beans are request scoped by default, but there are annotations like @SessionScoped to change the default

                                                        You can use default mappings of outcomes to results pages. In the absence of explicit navigation rules, the return values of the action controller method correspond to the file names that should be used. Suppose that your form (file form.xhtml, URL form.jsf) says <h:commandButton ... action="#{someBean.someMethod}"/>. When the button is pressed, the bean named someBean is instantiated (assuming request scope), setter methods corresponding to the h:inputBlah elements are run, validation occurs, and then someMethod is executed. This is the same as in JSF 1.x, except that the managed bean name (someBean) can be derived from the bean class name (SomeBean). But now, if someMethod returns "foo" and "bar", and there are no explicit navigation rules in faces-config.xml for those outcomes, then JSF will assume that they correspond to foo.xhtml and bar.xhtml (from the same folder as form.xhtml), respectively. For example, in the this sample bean, the outcomes correspond to accepted.xhtml and rejected.xhtml. In a later section on page navigation, I will argue that explicit navigation rules are probably what you will use in real projects, but the implicit navigation lets you get your app up and running more quickly, and is particularly convenient for test apps where you just want to experiment with some particular JSF 2 feature.

                                                        Mere mortals can build custom components. In JSF 1.x, the existence of an API for custom components was a real boon. Because of it, a whole market for third-party component libraries developed, with PrimeFaces, RichFaces, IceFaces, Tomahawk, ADF, and Web Galileo being notable libraries. However, the API was so complex that it was more trouble than it was worth for most ordinary JSF programmers. Now, there is a very easy-to-use facelets-based (rather than Java-based) method for building simple and medium-complex components. This is somewhat analogous to the tag-file way of building JSP custom tag libraries, but even simpler and even more powerful. A later section covers composite components in detail.

                                                        There is a powerful and relatively easy to use page templating library (better than Tiles!). JSP always had jsp:include, but it lacked a serious library for building page templates, sub-templates, and concrete pages built upon templates. However, most modern Web apps have many similar-looking pages, so templating is a must. JSF 2 has a well-thought-out, extensible, and moderately easy-to-use templating framework that is arguably even better than Apache Tiles on which it was loosely based


                                                        • faces-config.xml

                                                        There will be no content inside the tags for any of the  examples in this section. All examples in this section use
                                                        default bean names (derived from the bean’s class name with the first letter changed to lower case) and default
                                                        results pages (derived from the action controller’s return values)

                                                        You must have a url-pattern for the FacesServlet, just as
                                                        in JSF 1.x. You can optionally set the PROJECT_STAGE,
                                                        which is recommended during development and testing

                                                        Eclipse Support: Issues

                                                        Poor web.xml file created when facet added
                                                        • Creates a web.xml file with spurious entries, and without the very
                                                        valuable Development PROJECT_STAGE entry
                                                        – Editing .xhtml files
                                                        • By default, they open in normal HTML editor, not smart editor that
                                                        understands and previews the h: tags

                                                        Managed beans are Java classes that are declared with
                                                        @ManagedBean or listed in faces-config.xml. More detai
                                                        will be given in the next tutorial sections, but for now the
                                                        main points are:
                                                        • They are usually POJOs (they implement no special
                                                        interfaces, and most methods have no JSF-specific
                                                        argument or return types).
                                                        • They have pairs of getter and setter methods
                                                        corresponding to each input element in the form.
                                                        • They have an action controller method that takes no
                                                        arguments and returns a String. This is the method listed
                                                        the action of the h:commandButton in the input form.
                                                        • (They also typically have placeholders for derived
                                                        properties – information that will be computed based on th
                                                        input data. More on this in the next lecture on managed

                                                        @ManagedBean annotation
                                                        You refer to bean with #{someName.blah}, where bean
                                                        name is class name (minus packages) with first letter
                                                        changed to lower case. Request scoped by default.
                                                        • And “blah” is either an exact method name (as with action
                                                        of h:commandButton), or a shortcut for a getter and setter
                                                        method (as with value of h:inputText).

                                                        Return values of action controller method
                                                        – If action controller method returns "foo" and "bar" and
                                                        there are no explicit mappings in faces-config.xml, then
                                                        results pages are foo.xhtml and bar.xhtml


                                                        • Three parts of beans in JSF

                                                        – Getter/setter methods to represent input elements
                                                        – Action controller method
                                                        – Placeholder for results (properties derived from input)

                                                        Basic Beans
                                                        Java classes that follow certain conventions
                                                        – Must have a zero-argument (empty) constructor
                                                        • You can satisfy this requirement either by explicitly
                                                        defining such a constructor or by omitting all constructors

                                                        Should have no public instance variables (fields)
                                                        • You should already follow this practice and use accessor
                                                        methods instead of allowing direct access to fields

                                                        Persistent values should be accessed through methods
                                                        called getBlah and setBlah
                                                        • If class has method getTitle that returns a String, class is
                                                        said to have a String property named title
                                                        – JSF uses #{book.title} to mean “call getTitle on ‘book’ ”.
                                                        • Boolean properties may use isBlah instead of getBlah
                                                        • What matters is method name, not instance variable name

                                                        Bean Properties
                                                        Usual rule to turn method into property
                                                        – Drop the word “get” or “set” and change the next letter to
                                                        lowercase. Again, instance var name is irrelevant.
                                                        • Method name: getFirstName
                                                        • Property name: firstName
                                                        • Example: #{customer.firstName}
                                                        • Exception 1: boolean properties
                                                        – If getter returns boolean or Boolean
                                                        • Method name: getPrime or isPrime
                                                        • Property name: prime
                                                        • Example: #{myNumber.prime}
                                                        • Exception 2: consecutive uppercase letters
                                                        – If two uppercase letters in a row after “get” or “set”
                                                        • Method name: getURL
                                                        • Property name: URL (not uRL)
                                                        • Example: #{webSite.URL}

                                                        Why You Should Use Accessors, Not Public Fields

                                                        private double speed;  // Var name need not match method name
                                                        public double getSpeed() {
                                                        public void setSpeed(double speed) {
                                                        this.speed = speed;

                                                        You are probably following most of the conventions
                                                        already anyhow
                                                        • Zero arg constructor
                                                        • No public instance variables
                                                        • Use getBlah/setBlah or isBlah/setBlah naming conventions

                                                        JSF often refers to “bean properties”
                                                        – Which are shortcuts for getter/setter methods
                                                        • getFirstName method: refer to “firstName”
                                                        – #{customer.firstName}
                                                        • isVeryCool method (boolean): refer to “veryCool”
                                                        – #{invention.veryCool}
                                                        • getHTMLString method: refer to “HTMLString”
                                                        – #{message.HTMLString}

                                                        JSF automatically “manages” the bean
                                                        – Instantiates it
                                                        • Thus the need for a zero-arg constructor
                                                        – Controls its lifecycle
                                                        • Scope (request, session, application) determines lifetime
                                                        – Calls setter methods
                                                        • I.e., for <h:inputText value="#{customer.firstName"/>, when form
                                                        submitted, the value is passed to setFirstName
                                                        – Calls getter methods
                                                        • #{customer.firstName} results in calling getFirstName

                                                        Simplest: @ManagedBean before class
                                                        • Results in request scope. See next lecture for other scopes.
                                                        – Most powerful: <managed-bean> in faces-config.xml

                                                        Managed beans typically have three parts
                                                        – Bean properties (i.e, pairs of getter and setter methods)
                                                        • One pair for each input element
                                                        • Setter methods called automatically by JSF when form
                                                        submitted. Called before action controller method.
                                                        – Action controller methods
                                                        • Often only one, but could be several if the same form has
                                                        multiple buttons
                                                        • Action controller method (corresponding to the button that
                                                        was pressed) called automatically by JSF
                                                        – Placeholders for results data
                                                        • Not automatically called by JSF: to be filled in by action
                                                        controller method based on results of business logic.
                                                        • Needs a getter method so value can be output in results
                                                        page, but not required to have a setter method

                                                        Performance Principle: Make Getter Methods Fast

                                                        – Getter methods of managed beans called several times.
                                                        • E.g., at a minimum, once when form is displayed
                                                        (<h:inputText value="#{user.customerId}"/>) and again
                                                        when result is shown (#{user.customerId}).
                                                        – But often extra times.
                                                        – So, if getter method talks to database or does other
                                                        expensive operation, performance can be unexpectedly
                                                        • Solution
                                                        – Store data in instance variables, have getter methods
                                                        merely return the existing values


                                                        • JSF 2 performance issue

                                                        A getter method will be called everytime when ValueExpression#getValue() is been invoked on the given EL expression. This will normally be invoked one or two times per JSF request-response cycle, depending on whether the component is an input or output component (learn it here). However, this count can get up (much) higher when used in iterating JSF components (such as <h:dataTable> and <ui:repeat>), or here and there in a boolean expression like the rendered attribute. JSF (specifically, EL) won't cache the evaluated result of the EL expression at all as it may return different values on each call (for example, when it's dependent on the currently iterated datatable row).

                                                        Evaluating an EL expression and invoking a getter method is a very cheap operation, so you should generally not worry about this at all. However, the story changes when you're performing expensive DB/business logic in the getter method for some reason. This would be re-executed everytime!

                                                        Getter methods in JSF backing beans should be designed that way that they solely return the property and nothing more, exactly as per the Javabeans specification. They should not do any expensive DB/business logic at all. For that the bean's (post)constructor, initialization blocks and/or (action)listener methods should be used. They are executed only once during bean's life and that's exactly what you want.

                                                        Here is a summary of all different right ways to preset/load a property.

                                                        public class Bean {

                                                            // Direct initialization.
                                                            private SomeObject someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                                // Or in init block (applies to all constructors, not so relevant in javabeans).
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                            public Bean() {
                                                                // Or in constructor.
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                            public void init() {
                                                                // Or in @PostConstruct (Will be invoked AFTER construction and dependency/property injection).
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                            public void change(ValueChangeEvent event) {
                                                                // Or in some FacesEvent method.
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                            public void listener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
                                                                // Or in some BehaviorEvent method.
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                            public String submit() {
                                                                // Or in Action method.
                                                                someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
                                                                return "outcome";

                                                            public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
                                                                // Just keep getter untouched. It isn't intented to do business logic!
                                                                return someProperty;


                                                        If there are for you really no other ways, due to some restrictive design requirements, then you should introduce lazy loading inside the getter method. I.e. if the property is null, then load and assign it to the property, else return it.

                                                            public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
                                                                // If there are really no other ways, introduce lazy loading.
                                                                if (someProperty == null) {
                                                                    someProperty = loadSomeProperty();

                                                                return someProperty;

                                                        This way the expensive DB/business logic won't unnecessarily be executed on every single getter call.


                                                        The getter, as its name already self-describes, is just there with the pure purpose to retrieve the data. JSF doesn't cache this data. It will call it whenever needed. The cost of calling a getter is in practice nihil --unless you do something more than returning the data, e.g. hitting the DB everytime, this logic should then be moved out of the getter or be turned into lazy loading.


                                                        session-scoped solution?

                                                        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
                                                        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"


                                                        <legend>Bank Customer Lookup (Request Scope)</legend>
                                                        Customer ID:
                                                        <h:inputText value="#{bankingBean.customerId}"/><br/>
                                                        <h:inputSecret value="#{bankingBean.password}"/><br/>
                                                        <h:commandButton value="Show Current Balance"



                                                        • Giving Custom Names to Beans

                                                        The name attribute of @ManagedBean
                                                        public class BeanName { … }
                                                        – You refer to bean with #{anyName.blah}, where bean
                                                        name is exact value of name attribute.
                                                        • Still request scoped by default.
                                                        • Still no entries in faces-config.xml

                                                        Bean Scopes
                                                        – Designates how long managed beans will stay “alive”,
                                                        and which users and requests can access previous bean
                                                        • JSF 1.x scopes
                                                        – Request, session, application
                                                        – Specified in faces-config.xml
                                                        – Request scope is the default
                                                        • JSF 2.0 scopes
                                                        – request, session, application, view, none, custom
                                                        – Specified either in faces-config.xml or by one of the new
                                                        annotations (e.g., @SessionScoped)
                                                        – Request scope is still the default

                                                        Annotations to Specify Bean  Scope

                                                        – Default. Make a new instance for every HTTP request.
                                                        Since beans are also used for initial values in input form,
                                                        this means bean is generally instantiated twice (once
                                                        when form is displayed, once when form is submitted).
                                                        • @SessionScoped
                                                        – Put bean in session scope. If same user with same cookie
                                                        (JSESSIONID) returns before session timeout, same bean
                                                        instance is used. You should make bean Serializable.
                                                        • @ApplicationScoped
                                                        – Put bean in application scope. Shared by all users. Bean
                                                        either should have no mutable state or you must carefully
                                                        synchronize access. Usually immutable
                                                        – Same bean instance is used as long as same user is on
                                                        same page (e.g., with event handlers or Ajax).
                                                        • New scope in JSF 2.0.
                                                        • Bean should implement Serializable
                                                        • @CustomScoped(value="#{someMap}")
                                                        – Bean is stored in the Map, and programmer can control
                                                        • New scope in JSF 2.0
                                                        • @NoneScoped
                                                        – Bean is not placed in a scope. Useful for beans that are
                                                        referenced by other beans that are in scopes.
                                                        • New scope in JSF 2.0

                                                        No automatic access to request & response
                                                        – JSF action controller methods do not have direct access
                                                        • Unlike in Struts, where action controller method (execute)
                                                        gets request and response automatically

                                                        JSF supports simple dependency injection
                                                        – That is, you can assign values to a managed bean
                                                        property (i.e., a value the main bean depends on) without
                                                        hardcoding it into the class definition
                                                        • Not as powerful as with Spring, but still useful
                                                        – @ManagedProperty lets you do this with annotations
                                                        • @ManagedProperty(value="#{someBean}")
                                                        private SomeType someField;
                                                        – <managed-property> lets you do it in faces-config.xml
                                                        • This is same as in JSF 1.x

                                                        faces-config better than annotations (?)
                                                        – One of the points of dependency injection is to let you change the concrete
                                                        class without changing Java code
                                                        • Using annotations in the Java code partially violates that principle
                                                        – faces-config.xml lets you specify Map elements
                                                        • The annotation does not

                                                        Spring is best of all (?)
                                                        – For situations that warrant the extra complexity, Spring has nice JSF
                                                        integration, so you can directly use Spring configuration files (e.g.,


                                                        • Pros and Cons of Explicit Bean Declarations

                                                        – Simpler/faster to start with
                                                        – Java developer knows the bean name
                                                        • Explicit declarations in faces-config.xml
                                                        – Easier for facelets developer to find bean
                                                        • If you have a large project with many packages, even knowing the
                                                        bean class name (as with @ManagedBean) requires you to search
                                                        many packages to find the class
                                                        – Can use multiple instances of the same bean class in the same page.
                                                        See temperature converter in first PrimeFaces lecture for example.
                                                        – Can use same class in different pages with different scopes
                                                        – Better understanding of beans used in project
                                                        • One central file lists all managed beans

                                                        Debugging strategies
                                                        – Set PROJECT_STAGE to Development in web.xml
                                                        • This is already set in jsf-blank
                                                        – Many of the errors cause the process to abort at certain
                                                        points. Knowing how far things got is very helpful.
                                                        • Use print statements or IDE breakpoints
                                                        • Put a print statement in the action controller method
                                                        • Put a print statement in the empty constructor
                                                        – public MyBean() { System.out.println("MyBean built"); }
                                                        – Bean should be instantiated twice for request scope
                                                        • Put print statements in the bean setter methods


                                                        • The Expression Language

                                                        JSP scripting not supported in facelets
                                                        – So, you need a way to indirectly invoke Java

                                                        Passing arguments
                                                        – Version 2.1 of the EL lets you pass arbitrary arguments to
                                                        methods. Works only in Java EE 6 or other servers that
                                                        support EL 2.1. Not part of JSF 2 itself.
                                                        • E.g, works in Tomcat 7 but not Tomcat 6, even though
                                                        JSF 2 works in both

                                                        Outputting Simple Bean Properties
                                                        – #{varName.propertyName}
                                                        – <h:outputText value="#{varName.propertyName}" …/>
                                                        • For new JSF 2 code, top version is usually used unless
                                                        you need some other attribute of h:outputText (e.g. “id”,
                                                        “rendered”, or “escape”)
                                                        • Interpretation
                                                        – First, find varName
                                                        • Search for “varName” in all defined scopes, from most
                                                        specific to most general (request, session, application, in
                                                        that order for standard Web app scopes). Then look in
                                                        managed bean defs and instantiate if found.
                                                        – Call getPropertyName and output the result
                                                        • This must be a normal zero-arg accessor method. If
                                                        boolean, name of method could be is PropertyName

                                                        Understanding Getter vs. Setter Method Correspondence
                                                        – <h:inputText value="#{myBean.a.b.c.d}"/>
                                                        • When displaying form
                                                        – Find or instantiate myBean. Call getA. Call getB on
                                                        result. Call getC on that result. Call getD on that result. If
                                                        non-empty use as initial value of textfield.
                                                        • When submitting form
                                                        – Find myBean (instantiate new version if in request
                                                        scope). Call getA. Call getB on result. Call getC on that
                                                        result. Then pass submitted value to the setD method of
                                                        that result.
                                                        • Point: only final one becomes setter on submission.
                                                        • This assumes value passes validation. Discussed later

                                                        Equivalent forms
                                                        – #{name.property}
                                                        • Only legal if “property” would be legal Java variable name
                                                        – #{name["property"]}
                                                        • Reasons for using bracket notation
                                                        – To access arrays, lists, and other collections
                                                        • See upcoming slides
                                                        – To calculate the property name at request time.
                                                        • #{name1[name2]}    (no quotes around name2)
                                                        – To use names that are illegal as Java variable names
                                                        • #{foo["bar-baz"]}
                                                        • #{foo["bar.baz"]}

                                                        Works for
                                                        – Array. Equivalent to
                                                        • theArray[index] (getting and setting)
                                                        – List. Equivalent to
                                                        • theList.get(index) or theList.set(index, submittedVal )
                                                        – Map. Equivalent to
                                                        • theMap.get(key) or theMap.put(key, submittedVal )
                                                        • Equivalent forms (for Maps)
                                                        – #{stateCapitals["maryland"]}
                                                        – #{stateCapitals.maryland}
                                                        – But you can’t use this for lists (numbers are not legal Java
                                                        variables names, so #{listVar.2} is illegal). And not all
                                                        hash table keys are legal variable names. So, use brackets

                                                        EL version 2.2 lets you call regular methods
                                                        – Rather than only zero-arg accessor methods
                                                        • Syntax
                                                        – Basic syntax is straightforward
                                                        • #{someBean.someMethod(arg1, arg2)}
                                                        – The arguments can also be EL expressions
                                                        • Cautions
                                                        – Use sparingly: put complexity in Java, not facelets
                                                        – Works only in EL 2.2. Not part of JSF 2.0 itself.
                                                        • Server must support servlets 3.0
                                                        – All Java EE 6 servers automatically do
                                                        • So, works in Glassfish 3, JBoss 6, and Tomcat 7.
                                                        Fails in Tomcat 6, JBoss 5, and other servlet 2.5 engines


                                                        • Simple Messages

                                                        – Store some fixed strings in a simple plain-text file. Load
                                                        that file and refer to the strings by the names given in the
                                                        • Purpose
                                                        – Reuse same strings in multiple pages.
                                                        – Update in one fell swoop.
                                                        • Notes
                                                        – Bean properties are for values that change at runtime.
                                                        – Entries in properties files are much simpler strings that
                                                        are constant for the life of the application, but either
                                                        appear multiple places or might change some time in the

                                                        Create a .properties file
                                                        • Contains simple keyName=value pairs
                                                        • Must be deployed to WEB-INF/classes
                                                        • In Eclipse, this means you put it in “src” folder

                                                        Declare with resource-bundle in faces-config
                                                        – base-name gives base file name relative to “src” (classes)
                                                        – var gives scoped variable (Map) that will hold results
                                                        • E.g., for WEB-INF/classes/messages.properties

                                                        Output messages using normal EL
                                                        – #{msgs.keyName}

                                                        firstNamePrompt=Enter first name
                                                        lastNamePrompt=Enter last name
                                                        emailAddressPrompt=Enter email address
                                                        This is a single line in actual file. You can break long lines
                                                        into multiple lines by putting \ at the end of a line.

                                                        • At runtime, this will be
                                                        • faces-config.xml will load this with (inside “application” element)
                                                        • Facelets page will output messages with
                                                        – #{msgs1.firstNamePrompt}

                                                        Parameterized  Messages
                                                        – Store some strings in a simple plain-text file. Load that
                                                        file and refer to the strings by the names given in the file.
                                                        Allow portions of the strings to be replaced.
                                                        • Purpose
                                                        – Make strings more flexible by having one string refer to
                                                        – Allow runtime values to be inserted into strings.
                                                        • Particularly useful for prompts and error messages
                                                        • Notes
                                                        – These are no longer purely static strings. However, the
                                                        basic outline of the string is still fixed, so they are
                                                        different from bean properties, which are very dynamic

                                                        Create a .properties file in src
                                                        – Values contain {0}, {1}, {2}, etc.
                                                        – E.g., someName=blah {0} blah {1}
                                                        • Reminder: “src” in Eclipse becomes WEB-INF/classes when deployed

                                                        Output messages using h:outputFormat
                                                        – value gives base message
                                                        – Nested f:param gives substitution values. These can be literal
                                                        strings or runtime values
                                                        – E.g.:
                                                        <h:outputFormat value="#{msgs.someName}">
                                                        <f:param value="Literal value for 0th entry"/>
                                                        <f:param value="#{someBean.calculatedValForEnty1}"/>

                                                        You must define f: namespace
                                                        – Since the tag uses a different prefix (f:), you must define
                                                        the f: namespace in the <html…> tag at the top
                                                        – We did this in some earlier sections when we used
                                                        f:selectItems inside of h:selectOneMenu

                                                        <!DOCTYPE …>
                                                        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

                                                        Internationalization and Messages

                                                        Store some multiple versions of properties file
                                                        (msg.properties, msg_es.properties,
                                                        msg_es_mx.properties, etc.)
                                                        • Base properties file gets loaded (e.g., msg.properties) .
                                                        Then one most loosely matching current Locale, if any
                                                        (e.g., msg_es.properties), then one more specifically
                                                        matching, if any (e.g., msg_es_mx.properties). If same
                                                        name occurs in more than one file, later file wins.

                                                        – Let page be displayed in multiple languages

                                                        Use f:view and locale attribute
                                                        <f:view locale="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestLocale}">
                                                        – Determines locale from browser language settings
                                                        – Note: can also set the Locale based on user input

                                                        Getting Properties from
                                                        • Idea
                                                        – Instead of using properties file, it is also possible to use
                                                        Java code to get properties (often from a database)
                                                        • faces-config.xml
                                                        – <message-bundle>
                                                        • Java
                                                        – Extend ResourceBundle
                                                        – Override handleGetObject and getKeys
                                                        • Details
                                                        – http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9080474/

                                                        Deploy one or more .properties files
                                                        – In Eclipse, you put .properties file in “src” folder, and it gets deployed to WEB-INF/classes automatically
                                                        • Declare with resource-bundle in faces-config
                                                        </resource-bundle> …
                                                        • Output values using normal EL
                                                        – #{someVar.someNameFromFile} for simple values
                                                        – h:outputFormat for parameterized values
                                                        • Set view’s locale if I18N needed
                                                        – Extract it from browser setting or user setting
                                                        • We’ll cover user settings in section on event handling
                                                        – Automatically loads locale-specific resource bundle


                                                        • For option 2 Mastering JavaServer Faces says a JSF implementation will next "look for a context initialization parameter named javax.faces.application.CONFIG_FILES in the web.xml file for one or more JSF configurations that should be loaded. The value of this parameter is a comma delimited list of context relative resource paths (each starting with /). This particular method is useful when you wish to split up a large JSF application into manageable pieces."

                                                        Bingo! Exactly what we're looking for. The text then goes onto suggest on how to do this in your web.xml file with the following example:



                                                        • There are 2 varieties of user interface events

                                                        – Events that start back-end processing
                                                        – Events that affect only the format of the user interface

                                                        JSF categorizes code that handles these as
                                                        action controllers and event listeners
                                                        – Action controllers handle main form submission
                                                        • Fire after bean has been populated (see previous section)
                                                        • Fire after validation logic (see upcoming section)
                                                        • Return strings that directly affect page navigation
                                                        – Event listeners handle UI events
                                                        • Often fire before bean has been populated
                                                        • Often bypass validation logic
                                                        • Never directly affect page navigation

                                                        Event Handlers vs. Ajax
                                                        However, Ajax is sometimes even better
                                                        – Some of the situations where event handlers apply
                                                        result in only a small number of elements changing
                                                        – In that case, Ajax often yields a more interactive user
                                                        • If you need to update the entire page, use event listeners.
                                                        If you need to update only part of the page, use Ajax.


                                                        • td>Keyword: 
                                                        <h:inputText value="#{bidBean2.keyword}"
                                                        requiredMessage="You must enter a keyword"
                                                        <td><h:message for="keyword" styleClass="error"/></td></tr>

                                                        Value of requiredMessage can be an EL expression, so you can use properties files for localized error messages. See tutorial section on properties and I18N.

                                                        Writing Your Own Validator 
                                                        • Facelets
                                                        – For input component, specify method name explicitly
                                                        • <h:inputText id="someID"
                                                        – Use h:message as before
                                                        • <h:message for="someID"/>

                                                        • Validation in action controller
                                                        – When validation linked to business logic, or when you are 
                                                        comparing values of multiple fields
                                                        • But, the lowest-level and most tedious of the 4 approaches
                                                        • Type conversion (and “required”)
                                                        – When it is enough to simply enforce types
                                                        (counting non-empty as a type)
                                                        • Explicit f:validateBlah tags
                                                        – When you are checking one field at a time, and want to 
                                                        enforce values are in certain ranges or satisfy a regex
                                                        • Making your own validator methods
                                                        – When you are checking one field at a time, but want to 
                                                        perform complex tests not built into any of the tags


                                                        • Violating the MVC Model
                                                        – Java code that builds HTML is always bad


                                                        Since we are not reading any form data and this 
                                                        dummy data never changes, we might as well make 
                                                        it application-scoped and pre-instantiated. That is 
                                                        what “eager=true” does.


                                                        • Need for Page Templating

                                                        Avoiding repetition in facelets pages
                                                        – OOP provides good reuse for Java code.
                                                        – But what about facelets code?
                                                        • Also want to avoid repeating nearly-identical code there
                                                        • Very common to have multiple pages that share the same
                                                        basic layout and same general look

                                                        Inadequacies of jsp:include
                                                        – JSF pages normally eschew JSP tags
                                                        – Even if you use jsp:include, it has problems
                                                        • No real templates or named sections (ala Struts Tiles)
                                                        • Can’t easily pass data to included pages

                                                        Template file
                                                        – Directly insert content that will be used by all clients
                                                        – Mark replaceable regions with ui:insert
                                                        • Client file
                                                        – Use ui:composition to designate template that is used
                                                        – Override replaceable regions with ui:define
                                                        – Insert snippets with ui:include
                                                        • Relative URLs in templates
                                                        – Hypertext links: <a href="#{request.contextPath}/…"/>
                                                        – Images: <h:graphicImage name="…" library="…"/>
                                                        – CSS: <h:outputStylesheet name="…" library="…"/>
                                                        – Scripts: <h:outputScript name="…" library="…"/>


                                                        • JSF 2.0 added “composite components”

                                                        – Reusable, named chunks of facelets code
                                                        – Can pass arguments


                                                        • Wrapping Up JavaScript GUI Elements: Idea

                                                        – If you need a rich GUI element (slider, popup calendar,
                                                        etc.) that is not already part of your JSF library

                                                        – Look at existing component libraries
                                                        • PrimeFaces, RichFaces, IceFaces, OpenFaces,
                                                        Tomahawk, Trinidad, etc.
                                                        – Use an element from jQuery UI, Ext/JS, Dojo, YUI etc.
                                                        • But wrap it up so that it can be used like a normal JSF


                                                        • f:viewParam lets you associate bean 

                                                        properties with request parameters
                                                        – This introduces several new capabilities
                                                        • New tags that navigate via GET instead of POST, and
                                                        send parameters along with the address
                                                        • Sending data from non-JSF forms to JSF pages
                                                        • Make results pages bookmarkable
                                                        – This is a new feature in JSF 2.0

                                                        f:viewParam lets you:
                                                        – Make links or buttons that pass parameters to pages
                                                        • E.g., you could make different links to the same JSF
                                                        but specify colors, languages, or simple variables
                                                        Make JSF pages accessible from forms in non-JSF apps
                                                        • But the forms would normally need to send simple values,
                                                        since you lose the strong association with bean properties
                                                        in the forms, and you lose JSF’s validation capabilities
                                                        – Bookmark results pages
                                                        • Use POST-redirect-GET to expose data needed in results
                                                        pages as GET parameters. Can save page in favorites.
                                                        • f:viewParam does not let you:
                                                        – Make h:form use GET instead of POST
                                                        – Access any random JSF page with GET


                                                        • Defining beans in two places

                                                        – JSF backing beans in faces-config.xml
                                                        – Spring beans in applicationContext.xml

                                                        • Defining beans in one place only• Defining beans in one place only
                                                        – All beans in applicationContext.xml

                                                        What is Spring?
                                                        Core module: dependency injection
                                                        Lets you define an XML file that specifies which beans– Lets you define an XML file that specifies which beans
                                                        are created and what their properties are
                                                        • Simplifies OOP by promoting loose coupling between
                                                        classes Also called “Inversion of Control” (IoC)

                                                        You are Using JSF Already: Why Use Spring?

                                                        JSF already supports dependency injection via the
                                                        managed-property element of faces-config.xml
                                                        • So why use Spring to do what JSF already does?
                                                        You might already have beans set up with Spring from gy ppg
                                                        other applications
                                                        • And you would like to use them without adding new code
                                                        Spring is more powerful– Spring is more powerful
                                                        • Spring supports more and better dependency injection
                                                        features than does faces-config.xml

                                                        You are Using Spring Already:
                                                        Why Use New Approach?

                                                        – Normal Spring already supports ways to access beans.
                                                        • So why add a new way for JSF?
                                                        Reasons• Reasons
                                                        – You need to access bean definitions from many places
                                                        • With desktop Java apps, you can have a single piece of ppp,y gp
                                                        code that instantiates the container and gets beans
                                                        – I.e., driver class that instantiates ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
                                                        and calls getBean
                                                        • With JSF apps, each controller wants access to beans
                                                        – But you want to instantiate container once only
                                                        – You need additional bean scopesYou need additional bean scopes
                                                        • Standard Spring supports singleton and prototype
                                                        • JSF apps also want request, session, and application


                                                        • If you using myfaces then you need myfaces-api.jar and myfaces-impl.jar in your classpath, which you can download from http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html

                                                        Just use the JAR files which are provided/required by the JSF implementation you choose to use. Just download the implementation and read their own installation/users guide if you don't actually need more JAR files (as dependencies).

                                                        As of now there are only two major JSF implementations: Mojarra and MyFaces. The number of JAR files may vary per implementation and even version. Ultimately you need to make sure that you have both the JSF API and JSF implementation (which may exist of 2 or even 1 JAR file, depending on impl/version). MyFaces requires more commons-*.jar dependencies while Mojarra doesn't require any additional dependencies.

                                                        Since JSF 2.0, Facelets is bundled with the JSF implementation and has replaced JSP as default view technology.

                                                        The jsf-api-xxx.jar contains classes that are under packages java package javax.faces
                                                        The classes in this jar are implementation of standard API defined by JSF specification

                                                        The jsf-impl-xxx.jar contains classes that are under java package com.sun.faces,
                                                        which as the java package indicates, is Sun's own class for JSF implementation.

                                                        The javax.faces-xxx.jar actually merges the previous two jar files together.
                                                        In the Maven repository, it is under org.glassfish groupId.
                                                        You will find both javax.faces and com.sun.faces java package inside.


                                                        Agile Methodology

                                                        • Agile Methodology
                                                        Agile is all the buzz these days. With Agile, analysis is done similar to the Waterfall method. However, once analysis is done, each requirement is prioritized as follows:
                                                        • High - These are mission critical requirements that absolutely have to be done in the first release.
                                                        • Medium - These are requirements that are important but can be worked around until implemented.
                                                        • Low - These are requirements that are nice-to-have but not critical to the operation of the software.

                                                        1. Entire application is broken into pieces called iteration.Each iteration is an increase in the functionality
                                                        2. Active customer involvement;every iteration is tested and approved by client
                                                        3. Priority based delivery:high priority feature is developed first.After each iteration project priorities are re-evaluated
                                                        4. People-centric:documentation and other non-development activities are minimized and more time is devoted to testing and development.

                                                        Below are the advantages of the Agile Iterative Life Cycle:
                                                        1. The Design phase goes much faster, as designs are only done on the items in the current release (Release 1.0 for example).
                                                        2. Coding and Testing go much faster because there are less items to code and test. If major design flaws are found, re-work is much faster since the functional areas have been greatly reduced.
                                                        3. The client gets into production in less than 3 months, allowing them to begin earning revenue or reducing expenses quicker with their product.
                                                        4. If market conditions change for the client, changes can be incorporated in the next iterative release, allowing the software to be much more nimble.
                                                        5. As the software is implemented, the client can make recommendations for the next iteration due to experiences learned in the past iteration.

                                                        • Agile development
                                                         Agile software development uses iterative development as a basis but advocates a lighter and more people-centric viewpoint than traditional approaches. 
                                                        Agile processes use feedback, rather than planning, as their primary control mechanism. 
                                                        The feedback is driven by regular tests and releases of the evolving software.
                                                          •  Extreme Programming (XP)
                                                          •  Scrum
                                                          •  Dynamic systems development method
                                                        • Code and fix

                                                        • Agile Programming Introduction - Software Development Tutorial


                                                        agile development is referred as people-driven, not process or plan-driven
                                                        scope identifies the boundaries of project
                                                        less bureaucracy for change requests
                                                        agile development follows iterative approach
                                                        another agile development method is called scrum
                                                        scrum is well suited for small teams which is divided into sprint parts
                                                        scrum involves daily meetings,which aim frequent progress check

                                                        Agile Software Development

                                                        Advantages of Agile
                                                        Face to face communication and continuous inputs from customer representative leaves no space for guesswork.
                                                        The documentation is crisp and to the point to save time
                                                        The end result is the high quality software in least possible time duration and satisfied customer
                                                        Agile methodology has an adaptive team which is able to respond to the changing requirements.
                                                        you can get development started fast, project scope statement is "flexible" and not fully defined.

                                                        Disadvantages of Agile Methodology
                                                        There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
                                                        The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want.
                                                        Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie programmers, unless combined with experienced resources

                                                        The literal meaning of the word agile, an adjective, is “Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement.”
                                                        So this indicates that Agile Software development is about fast delivery of software with more ease of development

                                                        Key Features of Agile Software Development

                                                        Iterative: Entire application is distributed in incremental units called as iteration. Development time of each iteration is small (couple of weeks), fixed and strictly adhered to. Every Iteration is a mini increment of the functionality and is build on top of previous iteration

                                                        Active Customer involvement: There is lot of client involvement and face-to-face interaction. Every iteration is tested and approved by client. thus minimizing risk and ensuring higher client satisfaction

                                                        Fixed Time: Each iteration has a fixed time span in which it is delivered.

                                                        Empowered Teams: The project teams are generally small and have lot of interaction and communication

                                                        The documentation and other non-development activities are minimized and more time is devoted to development and testing

                                                        Benefits to the Customer
                                                        Customer is more actively involved, and gets higher priority
                                                        He gets to know regular and frequent status of the application
                                                        Requirements are accepted after each iteration

                                                        Benefits to the Project Teams
                                                        Since the development is Incremental, teams can focus on the specific requirements at any given point of time
                                                        More emphasis is on developing the application only, and not on documentation. Simple and minimal documents are used to exchange the views
                                                        Less time is spent in gathering requirements as all the requirements are not gathered upfront and are implemented as and when they arise
                                                        So less time is required for planning.
                                                        Less cost of development as rework, management, documentation and other non-development work related cost is reduced


                                                        • Why Agile project management is harmful

                                                        Theoretical Objection
                                                        Project Management implies a start and end date, while Scrum in contrast focuses on sustaining a product.
                                                        The guide defines the purpose of Scrum as: “a framework for developing and sustaining complex products”.

                                                        The modern trend as espoused by the DevOps movement is that the team that builds the software also runs the software. In the past we normally developed a software project using a project management methodology and then an operations team took over the maintenance and operation of it. Traditional IT models divide implementation and support into separate teams, sometimes referred to as “build” and “run” or “development” and “support”.

                                                        As the Scrum Guide states: “The Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master. Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional. Self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team”.

                                                        • Manifesto for Agile Software Development

                                                        Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
                                                        Working software over comprehensive documentation
                                                        Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
                                                        Responding to change over following a plan

                                                        • Twelve Principles of Agile Software

                                                        Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 

                                                        • ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)

                                                        Practices in ALM can be grouped into three areas:


                                                        Within each area, the following practices can be applied to any development team’s ALM strategy:

                                                            Requirements gathering.
                                                            Project management tools.
                                                            Source control.
                                                            Defect tracking.
                                                            Automated testing and more.

                                                        Agile is not a silver bullet.  It is a better way of developing software.
                                                        So, making sure that individuals on the team interact frequently and do not rely on the tools over the interactions is one way to ensure that your ALM practice is Agile.

                                                        For Agile teams, while comprehensive project plans can help to coordinate large initiatives, most planning takes the form of release plans with stories
                                                        Using reporting mechanisms like burn down charts (release burn down charts show the progress of the team), velocity charts, and cumulative flow diagrams helps teams plan. 
                                                        Planning also happens in a more collaborative way using Agile methods. Scrum, XP, Sprint, or iteration planning sessions allow the team to plan and commit to what they will get done within a fixed amount of time

                                                        these tools support Agile methods:

                                                            Pivotal Tracker
                                                            Version One
                                                            Lean Kit Kanban
                                                            Microsoft ALM
                                                            IBM Rational

                                                        How Agile ALM Improves Requirements Gathering
                                                        Agile teams rely on smaller scoped work items in their requirements gathering. Most teams utilize user stories to convey features that need to be built.
                                                        The easiest ALM tool one could use for basic  requirements gathering is index cards on a big board. Using a board and index cards is a great way for a team to begin a project
                                                        Other types of requirements include acceptance criteria. In Agile teams — as in most teams — these take the form of wireframes, mockups, and some written format

                                                        The Role of Version Control in Agile ALM
                                                        So you should establish a branching and merging strategy for your team.
                                                        This is not necessarily an Agile-only ALM practice; it is necessary for any ALM implementation

                                                        Quality Assurance in Agile ALM
                                                        In an Agile ALM solution, this includes Test Driven Design or Test Driven Development (TDD). 
                                                        So automated unit tests are necessary, along with the ability to have some metrics on those automated tests
                                                        Teams must perform code reviews through pair programming or some other mechanism to determine that
                                                        automated acceptance criteria can be used for quality checks as well. Some teams use tools for Behavior Driven Development (BDD), which can help in this regard too.

                                                        QA Tools
                                                        Below is a partial list of tools that support Agile methods that can be utilized for quality assurance:

                                                        DevOps in Agile ALM
                                                        The DevOps approach encourages greater collaboration between the development team and the infrastructure departments, in particular the operations group.
                                                        ALM practices work well with the DevOps concept because they prescribe stable, consistent development environments that help assure product quality and seamless deployment
                                                        This is critical to the DevOps concept, which includes a build system that takes the source control and builds and deploys it in a consistent manner on each environment.


                                                        • Agile Application Lifecycle Management (Agile ALM) is a central platform that allows teams using Agile methods, alone or in combination with other development methodologies (e

                                                        .g., RUP, waterfall), to manage all phases of the software development lifecycle from requirements through release.  By uniting business users and developers and providing cross-team visibility, Agile ALM enables organizations to achieve a faster time to market and higher-quality software releases while reducing infrastruc
                                                        ture costs. 


                                                        • Agile ALM is the practice of using Agile processes to manage your requirements, issues, and tests.

                                                        Applying Agile to ALM helps you:

                                                            Deliver quality releases quickly.
                                                            Improve collaboration across teams.
                                                            Prioritize customer needs.

                                                        Agile is all about value and people. And ALM is all about tools. 

                                                        Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools.
                                                        Traditional ALM is often governed by steps for completing the product. First you gather requirements. Then you build the product. And then you run tests. This can create silos by process.
                                                        Agile ALM, instead, favors cross-functional team interaction. Gathering requirements is a collaborative process — and these requirements are reviewed and updated constantly. The product is built and tested in sprints, facilitating greater collaboration throughout the process. 

                                                        Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation.
                                                        ALM is traditionally characterized by extensive documentation. Agile suggests prioritizing fast (quality) releases over documentation. Hybrid Agile typically bridges the gap for organizations who need the documentation (e.g., for compliance) but want to be Agile. 

                                                        Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation.
                                                        In traditional ALM, customer feedback comes in the form of requests for bug fixes or features. It usually doesn’t inform requirements.
                                                        In Agile ALM, customer feedback is critical. It’s often included in requirements gathering throughout the development lifecycle. 

                                                        Responding to Change Over Following a Plan.
                                                        Traditional ALM is all about the plan. The plan is set firmly at the beginning of development and followed through to deployment.
                                                        Agile ALM responds to change. The plan — if you call it that — is in flux. This helps team members be more productive and deliver the right functionality at the right time. And that typically helps you reduce your costs. 
