Monday, December 20, 2021

2FA vs MFA

  •  Two-Factor Authentication vs. Multi-Factor Authentication: What Are the Risks

Business networks are crucial to protect, so firms want only authorized people accessing them.

In cybersecurity, authentication means verifying that a person or device is who they claim to be.

It usually involves checking the identity claim against what's called a factor. 

This could be a password, a biometric identifier (a fingerprint, an iris scan), or the ability to control a trusted piece of equipment such as an electronic ID card or a cell phone.

Single-Factor Authentication

A user has a password and types it in. 

An analogy in the physical world might be a person using a key or code to unlock a safe.

Two-Factor Authentication

It's the simplest type of multi-factor authentication.

With 2FA, users have to supply two distinct proofs of identity to gain access to the network. 

Usually, this includes a password and control over a trusted cell phone. 

For instance, with Twitter, users employing 2FA first enter their passwords and next, receive an SMS authentication message from Twitter with a six-digit code to input.

Multi-Factor Authentication

The term multi-factor authentication (MFA) means there are more than two factors involved.

For every factor of authentication you add, you boost security, but at the cost of making your user experience worse.

MFA systems can also be cumbersome for IT teams, who have to manage integrations with multiple applications or systems.

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication

Adaptive authentication means the system is flexible depending on how much risk a user presents.

For example, if an employee is working on the company premises and uses a badge to get through security to her office, Okta will recognize that she is in a trusted location, and that she has permissions to proceed. 

If that same employee is working from a coffee shop, the system may prompt her for an additional security factor when she goes to log in remotely, since she’s not in a trusted location. 

Or, it could present an additional MFA challenge if the user was working from a personal laptop instead of a company device.

  • What Are the Different Authentication Factors?

Whether a user is accessing his email or the corporate payroll files, he needs to verify his identity before that access is granted. There are three possible ways this user can prove he is who he claims to be:

    Knowledge—the user provides information only he knows, like a password or answers to challenge questions

    Possession—the user supplies an item he has, like a YubiKey or a one-time password

    Inherence—the user relies on a characteristic unique to who he is, such as a fingerprint, retina scan, or voice recognition

Two-Factor Authentication vs. Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA vs. MFA)

The difference between MFA and 2FA is simple. Two-factor authentication (2FA) always utilizes two of these factors to verify the user’s identity. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) could involve two of the factors or it could involve all three. “Multi-factor” just means any number of factors greater than one.

  • MFA vs 2FA - What's the difference?

    Knowledge (e.g. Password, PIN; meaning something you know),

    Possession (e.g. Smart card, smartphone, wearable, cryptographic key etc.; Meaning something you have),

    Inherence (e.g. Fingerprint, iris scan, voice print etc.; Meaning something you are),

    Context (e.g. Location, what you do, how the user reacts, pattern etc.; Meaning something the user does in the context of his or her user life)

  • Multi Factor authenticators (MFA)

This refers to using a single authenticator that requires a second factor to activate (MF authenticator) to achieve MFA or 2FA. For example, using a smartphone as an authenticator to access a website.The smartphone MUST be activated first using a PIN (knowledge) or a fingerprint(inherence) by the user. Then the key on the smartphone can be used to access the website.


    The user is in full control of both factors especially when an MF hardware cryptographic device is used as recommended by NIST for AAL 3.

    No risk of keylogger or screen capture to harvest the user password on device, web or on mobile applications.

    An attacker still needs the second factor to be able to use a stolen MF software / hardware authenticator.

    MF hardware authenticator device is mostly offline – more difficult for an attacker to get.

    The Verifier is only concerned with securing one factor. The second factor is controlled by the user.


    The second factor is on the same device. Where the second factor is verified locally e.g.OTP software generator on a smartphone, both the second factor and the secret key used to generate the OTP could be compromised at once.

    On the fly-phishing where an attacker captures for example the password and OTP provided by the legitimate user and uses it immediately for illegitimate access to the user resources. With MF authenticators only the OTP is captured (assuming the service provider is satisfied with multi factor using a single authenticator).

Single factor authenticators (1FA)


    If one of the factors, say knowledge, is compromised it might not affect the other factor (e.g.OTP or crypto key) on the SF device. Although compromising the other factor might be trivial.


    The user is not in control of where both factors (e.g.Password and OTP) are entered.

    The user password could be sniffed or captured with a keylogger, screen capture from the authentication device/application.

    An attacker could use phishing to deceive users into entering their password on fake sites/login forms. Especially users that use the same password on many services – this gives an attacker automatic access to the other accounts that use the same password.

    An attacker could reset the user account with just their password and email to associate a new second factor to the user account.

    The SF authenticator device/software is not protected – for example, SF OTP software on a smartphone, all the attacker need is to steal the smartphone or token and then could try to get the second via phishing, brute force, keylogger, screen capture, and maybe social engineering.

    On the fly-phishing: both single factors could be captured which could compromise the other user accounts.

    The verifier must manage at least two different authenticators for each user.

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA; encompassing authentication, or 2FA, along with similar terms) is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website or application only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism: knowledge (something only the user knows), possession (something only the user has), and inherence (something only the user is)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

password policy

  •  NIST now asks for a minimum length of eight characters for human-generated passwords and six characters for machine-generated ones. To enable greater security for more sensitive accounts, NIST specifies you should allow for a maximum password length of at least 64 characters.

The guidelines prohibit sequential or repeating characters (like 3456 or zzzz) and prohibit dictionary words

Allowing special characters in passwords also promotes increased security. NIST SP 800-63-3 requires systems permit passwords to incorporate any ASCII or Unicode character (even emojis). Spaces are also supported to enable passphrases

systems should utilize special software to check a proposed password against a slew of previously exposed passwords from past breaches

Password fields must now allow a user to paste text in via a device’s copy-and-paste feature. This enables compatibility with password managers which have numerous security benefits

stored passwords must be hashed and salted rather than saved as plaintext

the new NIST guidelines outlaw password hints 

Knowledge-based authentication (KBA)—such as questions like, “What street did you grow up on?” or “Who was your best friend in high school?”—are also no longer allowed. The answers are too easy to figure out, especially in today’s age of public social media

The guidelines removed password complexity requirements, and special characters and numbers are no longer needed

no longer required to change their passwords on a regular basis.

  • Remove periodic password change requirements

Drop the algorithmic complexity song and dance

No more arbitrary password complexity requirements, needing mixtures of upper case letters, symbols and numbers

require screening of new passwords against lists of commonly used or compromised passwords

ratchet up the strength of your users’ passwords is to screen them against lists of dictionary passwords and known compromised passwords.

  • Through 20 years of effort, we have correctly trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess

  • NIST now requires a minimum length of eight characters for user-generated passwords and six characters for those that are generated by a machine

NIST now requires systems to permit passwords that contain special characters, even emojis and spaces. The new guidelines prohibit sequential (ex: 1234) or repeating (ex: aaaa) characters and dictionary words

Password fields must now allow users to paste text using a device’s copy and paste feature. This affords users the opportunity to use password managers, which can greatly increase security. 

Stored passwords must also be hashed and salted (security measures similar to encryption).

NIST has completely outlawed the use of password hints. Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) questions like “What street did you grow up on?” are also no longer permitted. The answers to these are too easily found over the internet, and can easily lead to a breach.³

frequent password changes are counterproductive to good password security. NIST recommends removing this requirement, which should increase usability and make password security more user-friendly.

NIST recommends minimizing password complexity requirements, like the necessary inclusion of upper case letters, symbols, and numbers.Reducing password complexity can be another great step on the road to better security practices that employees find easier to manage

A commonly held security practice is screening your users’ passwords against lists of commonly held passwords and known compromised passwords. NIST recommends you utilize software that can check proposed passwords against previously held or exposed passwords

  • particularly that forcing complexity and regular changes is now seen as bad practice

Verifiers should not impose composition rules e.g., requiring mixtures of different character types or prohibiting consecutively repeated characters

Verifiers should not require passwords to be changed arbitrarily or regularly e.g. the previous 90 day rule

Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length

Password systems should permit subscriber-chosen passwords at least 64 characters in length.

All printing ASCII characters, the space character, and Unicode characters should be acceptable in passwords

When establishing or changing passwords, the verifier shall advise the subscriber that they need to select a different password if they have chosen a weak or compromised password

Verifiers should offer guidance such as a password-strength meter, to assist the user in choosing a strong password

Verifiers shall store passwords in a form that is resistant to offline attacks. Passwords shall be salted and hashed using a suitable one-way key derivation function. Key derivation functions take a password, a salt, and a cost factor as inputs then generate a password hash. 

Typical components of a password policy include: 

Many policies require a minimum password length. Eight characters is typical 

the use of both upper-case and lower-case letters (case sensitivity)

inclusion of one or more numerical digits

inclusion of special characters, such as @, #, $

prohibition of words found in a password blocklist

prohibition of words found in the user's personal information

prohibition of use of company name or an abbreviation

prohibition of passwords that match the format of calendar dates, license plate numbers, telephone numbers, or other common numbers

Password block list

Password block lists are lists of passwords that are always blocked from use.

should no longer be used because they have been deemed insecure for one or more reasons, such as being easily guessed, following a common pattern, or public disclosure from previous data breaches.

Common examples are Password1, Qwerty123, or Qaz123wsx

Password duration

This policy can often backfire. 

so if people are required to choose many passwords because they have to change them often, they end up using much weaker passwords; the policy also encourages users to write passwords down.

 if the policy prevents a user from repeating a recent password, this requires that there is a database in existence of everyone's recent passwords (or their hashes) instead of having the old ones erased from memory. Finally, users may change their password repeatedly within a few minutes, and then change back to the one they really want to use, circumventing the password change policy altogether.

 frequently changing a memorized password is a strain on the human memory, and most users resort to choosing a password that is relatively easy to guess

 Users are often advised to use mnemonic devices to remember complex passwords. However, if the password must be repeatedly changed, mnemonics are useless because the user would not remember which mnemonic to use. Furthermore, the use of mnemonics (leading to passwords such as "2BOrNot2B") makes the password easier to guess


 Requiring a very strong password and not requiring it be changed is often better.However, this approach does have a major drawback: if an unauthorized person acquires a password and uses it without being detected, that person may have access for an indefinite period.


 Password policies may include progressive sanctions beginning with warnings and ending with possible loss of computer privileges or job termination. Where confidentiality is mandated by law, e.g. with classified information, a violation of password policy could be a criminal offense

 Some systems limit the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before some delay is imposed or the account is frozen

 Stricter requirements are also appropriate for accounts with higher privileges, such as root or system administrator accounts. 


 Usability considerations

 Inclusion of special characters can be a problem if a user has to log onto a computer in a different country. Some special characters may be difficult or impossible to find on keyboards designed for another language.


 Some identity management systems allow self-service password reset, where users can bypass password security by supplying an answer to one or more security questions such as "where were you born?", "what's your favorite movie?", etc. Often the answers to these questions can easily be obtained by social engineering, phishing or simple research.

Monday, November 1, 2021

open source security

  • software composition analysis (SCA) SCA, a term coined by market analysts, describes an automated process to identify open source components in a codebase. Once a component is identified, it becomes possible to map that component to known security disclosures and determine whether multiple versions are present within an application. SCA also helps identify whether the age of the component might present maintenance issues. While not strictly a security consideration, SCA also facilitates legal compliance related to those open source components. While development and security teams often use SAST (static application security testing) and SCA solutions to identify security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their web applications, detection of many vulnerabilities is only possible by dynamically testing the running application, which led to the development of dynamic application security testing (DAST) tools. Despite similarities to traditional DAST and penetration testing tools, IAST is superior to both in finding vulnerabilities earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC)—when it is easier, faster, and cheaper to fix them. Over time, IAST is likely to displace DAST usage for two reasons: IAST provides significant advantages by returning vulnerability information and remediation guidance rapidly and early in the SDLC, and it can be integrated more easily into CI/CD and DevOps workflows. 

  • Component Analysis is the process of identifying potential areas of risk from the use of third-party and open-source software and hardware components. Component Analysis is a function within an overall Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM) framework. A software-only subset of Component Analysis with limited scope is commonly referred to as Software Composition Analysis (SCA).
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA) platform that keeps track of all third-party components used in all the applications an organization creates or consumes. It integrates with multiple vulnerability databases including the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), Node Security Platform (NSP), and VulnDB from Risk Based Security.

  • Dependency-Check is a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool that attempts to detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities contained within a project’s dependencies.
  • What is Open Source Security?
Open Source Security, commonly referred to as Software Composition Analysis (SCA), is a methodology to provide users better visibility into the open source inventory of their applications.

What is Open Source?
Open source refers to any software with accessible source code that anyone can modify and share freely.

Why Use Open Source Software?
Open Source Software (OSS) is distributed freely, making it very cost-effective. Many developers benefit by starting with OSS and then tweaking it to suit their needs. Since the code is open, it's simply a matter of modifying it to add the functionality they want.

Is Open Source a Security Risk?
Open source components are not created equal. Some are vulnerable from the start, while others go bad over time
Usage has become more complex. With tens of billions of downloads, it’s increasingly difficult to manage libraries and direct dependencies
Transitive dependencies: if you are using dependency management tools like Maven (Java), Bower (JavaScript), Bundler (Ruby), etc., then you are automatically pulling in third party dependencies – a liability that you can’t afford.

  • Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) 
Concise Guide for Developing More Secure Software

Ensure all privileged developers use multi-factor authentication (MFA) tokens. This includes those with commit or accept privileges. MFA hinders attackers from “taking over” these accounts.

Use a combination of tools in your CI pipeline to detect vulnerabilities.

Evaluate software before selecting it as a direct dependency. Only add it if needed, evaluate it (see Concise Guide for Evaluating Open Source Software, double-check its name (to counter typosquatting), and ensure it’s retrieved from the correct repository.

Use package managers. Use package managers (system, language-level, and/or container-level) to automatically manage dependencies and enable rapid updates.

Implement automated tests. Include negative tests (tests that what shouldn’t happen doesn’t happen) and ensure the test suite is thorough enough to “ship if it passes the tests”

Monitor known vulnerabilities in your software’s direct & indirect dependencies. E.g., enable basic scanning via GitHub’s dependabot or GitLab dependency scanning. Many other third party Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools are also available. Quickly update vulnerable dependencies.

Keep dependencies reasonably up-to-date

Do not push secrets to a repository. Use tools to detect pushing secrets to a repository.

Review before accepting changes. Enforce it, e.g., GitHub or GitLab protected branches.

Improve your OpenSSF Scorecards score (if OSS and on GitHub). You can read the Scorecards checks. Use the Allstar monitor.

Improve your Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) level. This hardens the integrity of your build and distribution process against attacks.

Publish and consume a software bill of materials (SBOM). This lets users verify inventory, id known vulnerabilities, & id potential legal issues. Consider SPDX or CycloneDX.

Onboard your project into LFX Security if you manage a Linux Foundation project.
Apply the CNCF Security TAG Software Supply Chain Best Practices guide.
Implement ASVS and follow relevant cheatsheets.
Apply SAFECode’s Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development.

  • Guide to Security Tools

Two main tool categories

There are two main technical categories of verification tools:

    Static analysis is any approach for verifying software (including finding defects) without executing software. This includes tools that examine source code looking for vulnerabilities (e.g., source code vulnerability scanning tools). It also includes humans reading code, looking for problems.
    Dynamic analysis is any approach for verifying software (including finding defects) by executing software on specific inputs and checking the results. Traditional testing is a kind of dynamic analysis. Fuzz testing, where you send many random inputs to a program to see if it does something it should not, is also an example of dynamic analysis.

Types of Tools

This section will cover some of the most common application security tools including linters, SAST, SCA, DAST, Fuzzers, Hard Coded Secrets Detectors, and SBOM generators.

Quality scanners (linters)

Quality scanners, also called "linters", examine source code, byte code, or machine code to look for generic “quality” problems. For example, they may look for misleading indentation, combinations of constructs that usually indicate a defect, or overly-long methods that may be hard to understand later. There are a large variety of these, including style checkers and external type checkers.

For our purposes we will include compiler warning flags in this category.

These tools often don’t focus on security, but using them can still help improve security:

Security Code Scanners (Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools)

Some tools analyze code specifically looking for vulnerabilities. They go by a variety of names, such as security code scanners, Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools, security source code scanners (if they examine source code), binary code scanners (if they only examine executables), or sometimes just static code analyzers. Some people use the term SAST only when the tool analyzes source code.

Secret scanning tools

Secret scanning tools look for secrets (passwords, stored keys, etc.), typically in a repository's code and/or configuration. These are typically static analysis tools. These tools typlically detect the secrets in code by grepping (simple text based searching) or regex searches.

Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) tools

A Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) is an artifact that may accompany the release of a software package. The SBOM includes an inventory of the software components and dependencies that are included in a parent software. This may include both open source and proprietary components and dependencies. It may also include additional information such as more in-depth package information, file information, licensing, authors, contributors, security checksums or references, copyright information, as well as their hierarchical relationships.

Machine-readable formats for SBOMs grant the opportunity for this information to be shared throughout the software supply chain; thus increasing transparency of and confidence in the final delivered software artifact. The machine readable formats for SBOMs currently include SPDX, CycloneDX, and SWID.

SBOMs are quickly becoming a necessity for software products and services to include in their software delivery practices. SBOMs are being recommended by several security frameworks, organizations, and security requirements such as the White House Executive Order 14028, NIST, NTIA,the OpenSSF Mobilization Plan, and SLSA.

Software Component Analysis (SCA)/Dependency Analysis tools

Software component analysis (SCA) tools, also called dependency analysis or origin analysis tools, determine the reused components used by code (source code or executable). To be security-relevant, these tools also determine which of those reused components have publicly-known vulnerabilities (CVEs).

Dependency Updating & Hygiene Tools

SCA tools help identify the known vulnerable OSS components used in your project, but other tools exist to help ensure that OSS hygiene becomes an automated process. As required in the OpenSSF Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) maturity level 2, tools such as Dependabot or Renovate bot will auto-submit Pull Requests (PRs) to update your known-vulnerable dependencies. All a developer has to do is choose to accept the PR to keep their dependencies up-to-date.


A fuzzer is a tool that implements a dynamic analysis approach called fuzz testing or fuzzing. In fuzz testing, you generate a large number of inputs, run the program, and see if the program behaves badly (e.g., crashes or hangs). A key aspect of fuzzing is that it does not generally check if the program produces the correct answer; it just checks that certain reasonable behavior (like “does not crash”) occurs

Web Application Scanner

A web application scanner (WAS), also called a web application vulnerability scanner, essentially pretends it is a simulated user or web browser and tries to do many things to detect problems. Think of a WAS as a frenetic and malicious web browser user; the WAS will try to click on every button it finds, enter bizarre text into every text field it finds, and so on. In short, it attempts simulated attacks and odd behavior to try to detect problems. This means that WASs often build on fuzzers internally, but they are specifically designed to analyze web applications.

There are many of these tools. OSS tools include OWASP ZAP, W3AF, IronWASP, Skipfish, and Wapiti. Proprietary tools include IBM AppScan, HP WebInspect, and Burp Suite Pro. If you have no idea, you might check out OWASP ZAP at least; it is easy to use, and it can find many things. But tools change over time, and it is best to look at your options before picking one (or several).

The term Dynamic Application Security Testing, or DAST, is often seen in literature. However, the meaning of DAST has a lot of variation:

    For some, DAST is dynamic analysis for finding vulnerabilities in just web applications, making DAST the same as a web application scanner.
    For others, DAST includes web application scanners and fuzzers for programs other than web applications.

  • About secret scanning
 your project communicates with an external service, you might use a token or private key for authentication. Tokens and private keys are examples of secrets that a service provider can issue. If you check a secret into a repository, anyone who has read access to the repository can use the secret to access the external service with your privileges. We recommend that you store secrets in a dedicated, secure location outside of the repository for your project.

Secret scanning will scan your entire Git history on all branches present in your GitHub repository for secrets.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

jenkins x vs jenkins

  •  What is the difference between Jenkins and Jenkins X?

Unlike Jenkins, Jenkins X is opinionated and built to work better with technologies like Docker or Kubernetes. Having said that, Jenkins and Jenkins X are deeply related as everything that is done with Jenkins X can be done with Jenkins, using several plugins and integrations. However, Jenkins X simplifies everything, letting you harness the power of Jenkins 2.0 and using open source tools like Helm, Draft, Monocular, ChartMuseum, Nexus and Docker Registry to easily build cloud native applications.

In fact, it’s this selection of tools and processes that make Jenkins X special and different from Jenkins and any other CI/CD solution. For instance, Jenkins X defines the process, while Jenkins adapts to whichever process are wanted or needed. Jenkins X adopts a CLI/API first approach, relies on configuration as code and embraces external tools (e.g., Helm, Monocular, etc). On the other hand, Jenkins has a UI first approach with configuration via UI, and everything heavily driven by internal plugins. Additionally, the Jenkins X Preview environments enable developers to collaboratively validate changes integrated into the codebase by creating a running system per Pull Request

Why was Jenkins X started?

Microservices architecture: While the cloud with its several deployment models (public, private and hybrid) gained adoption across all industries, the challenge of deploying, managing and updating applications remained unresolved. 

Container ecosystem: Containers, which offer OS virtualization, gained popularity as they solve some of the problems associated with microservices.

The rise of Kubernetes: While containers make things simpler, they are not free from challenges. In fact, they are similar to VMs when it comes to managing or orchestrating them. 

What are the main features of Jenkins X?

Automated CI and CD: Jenkins X offers a sleek jx command line tool, which allows Jenkins X to be installed inside an existing or new Kubernetes cluster, import projects and bootstrap new applications. Also, Jenkins X creates pipelines for the project automatically.

Environment Promotion via GitOps: Jenkins X allows for the creation of different virtual environments for development, staging, and production, etc. using the Kubernetes Namespaces.

Preview Environments: Though the preview environment can be created manually, Jenkins X automatically creates Preview Environments for each pull request. This provides a chance to see the effect of changes before merging them. 

What are the top 5 advantages of Jenkins X?

Easier setup: Jenkins X offers build packs for different kinds of projects, automates the installation, configuration and upgrades of external tools (Helm, Skaffold, Monocular etc.),

Isolation: Every team gets to run its own instance of Jenkins X; either in a shared cluster or in their own separate clusters. 

Higher velocity: Jenkins X allows unhindered development without shipping logistics slowing things down. Powerful commands expedite most tasks and provide seamless integration with cloud or SCM. For example, a simple ”jx create cluster gke” command installs Jenkins X on Google cloud. AWS (EKS), Azure (AKS), Oracle (OKE) and more can also be used

Faster recovery: GitOps creates a single source of truth with everything versioned and comments available for every pull request. The configuration as code, of both Jenkins X and your environments, allows developers to get the right context and traceable information to resolve outages faster.

Predictable releases: Jenkins X helps create development/test environments using the “jx create devpod” command to provide each developer their own sandbox inside the Jenkins X cluster. As the devbuild pods are the same as those used in the pipeline used in production, it ensures code will perform in a predictable manner. Further, Jenkins X helps spin up Preview Environments before code is promoted to production

  • Following the success of Jenkins, a new version of Jenkins has been introduced lately called Jenkins X (JX). It provides continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous delivery to Kubernetes. 

It’s designed from the ground up to be a cloud-native, Kubernetes-only application that not only supports CI/CD but also makes working with Kubernetes as simple as possible. With one command you can create a Kubernetes cluster, install all the tools you’ll need to manage your application. You can also create build and deployment pipelines, and deploy your application to various environments.

Jenkins is described as an “extensible automation server” that is configured, via plugins, to be a Continuous Integration Server, a Continuous Deployment hub, or a tool to automate just about any software task. JX provides a specific configuration of Jenkins, meaning you don’t need to know which plugins are required to stand up a CI/CD pipeline. It also deploys numerous applications to Kubernetes to support building your docker container, storing the container in a docker registry, and deploying it to Kubernetes.

Serverless Jenkins:

the Jenkins community has created a version of Jenkins that can run classic Jenkins pipelines via the command line with the configuration defined by code instead of the usual HTML forms.

Preview Environments:

Though the preview environment can be created manually, Jenkins X automatically creates Preview Environments for each pull request. This provides a chance to see the effect of changes before merging them. Also, Jenkins X adds a comment to the Pull Request with a link for the preview for team members.

  • Jenkins Configuration as Code

The ‘as code’ paradigm is about being able to reproduce and/or restore a full environment within minutes based on recipes and automation, managed as code

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

proxy server

  •  Forward proxy

A forward proxy is the most common form of a proxy server and is generally used to pass requests from an isolated, private network to the Internet through a firewall. Using a forward proxy, requests from an isolated network, or intranet, can be rejected or allowed to pass through a firewall. 

A forward proxy server will first check to make sure a request is valid. If a request is not valid, or not allowed (blocked by the proxy), it will reject the request resulting in the client receiving an error or a redirect. If a request is valid, a forward proxy may check if the requested information is cached. If it is, the forward proxy serves the cached information. If it is not, the request is sent through a firewall to an actual content server which serves the information to the forward proxy. The proxy, in turn, relays this information to the client and may also cache it, for future requests.

Reverse proxy

A reverse proxy is another common form of a proxy server and is generally used to pass requests from the Internet, through a firewall to isolated, private networks. It is used to prevent Internet clients from having direct, unmonitored access to sensitive data residing on content servers on an isolated network, or intranet

If caching is enabled, a reverse proxy can also lessen network traffic by serving cached information rather than passing all requests to actual content servers. 

Reverse proxy servers may also balance workload by spreading requests across a number of content servers.  

One advantage of using a reverse proxy is that Internet clients do not know their requests are being sent to and handled by a reverse proxy server. 

The above image shows a reverse proxy configuration. An Internet client initiates a request to Server A (Proxy Server) which, unknown to the client, is actually a reverse proxy server. The request is allowed to pass through the firewall and is valid but is not cached on Server A. The reverse proxy (Server A) requests the information from Server B (Content Server), which has the information the Internet client is requesting. The information is served to the reverse proxy, where it is cached, and relayed through the firewall to the client. Future requests for the same information will be fulfilled by the cache, lessening network traffic and load on the content server (proxy caching is optional and not necessary for proxy to function on your HTTP Server). In this example, all information originates from one content server (Server B).

Proxy chaining

A proxy chain uses two or more proxy servers to assist in server and protocol performance and network security. Proxy chaining is not a type of proxy, but a use of reverse and forward proxy servers across multiple networks. In addition to the benefits to security and performance, proxy chaining allows requests from different protocols to be fulfilled in cases where, without chaining, such requests would not be possible or permitted. 

For example, a request using HTTP is sent to a server that can only handle FTP requests. In order for the request to be processed, it must pass through a server that can handle both protocols. This can be accomplished by making use of proxy chaining which allows the request to be passed from a server that is not able to fulfill such a request (perhaps due to security or networking issues, or its own limited capabilities) to a server that can fulfill such a request.

How does ARP work?

  •  How ARP works

When a new computer joins a LAN, it is assigned a unique IP address to use for identification and communication

When an incoming packet destined for a host machine on a particular LAN arrives at a gateway, the gateway asks the ARP program to find a MAC address that matches the IP address

A table called the ARP cache maintains a record of each IP address and its corresponding MAC address.

All operating systems in an IPv4 Ethernet network keep an ARP cache.

Every time a host requests a MAC address in order to send a packet to another host in the LAN, it checks its ARP cache to see if the IP to MAC address translation already exists.

If the translation does not already exist, then the request for network addresses is sent and ARP is performed.

ARP broadcasts a request packet to all the machines on the LAN and asks if any of the machines know they are using that particular IP address. When a machine recognizes the IP address as its own, it sends a reply so ARP can update the cache for future reference and proceed with the communication.

Host machines that don't know their own IP address can use the Reverse ARP (RARP) protocol for discovery.

When an ARP inquiry packet is broadcast, the routing table is examined to find which device on the LAN can reach the destination fastest. This device, which is often a router, becomes a gateway for forwarding packets outside the network to their intended destinations.

ARP spoofing and ARP cache poisoning

Any LAN that uses ARP must be wary of ARP spoofing, also referred to as ARP poison routing or ARP cache poisoning.

ARP spoofing is a device attack in which a hacker broadcasts false ARP messages over a LAN in order to link an attacker's MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate computer or server within the network. Once a link has been established, the target computer can send frames meant for the original destination to the hacker's computer first as well as any data meant for the legitimate IP address.

ARP Request

ARP Reply

  • RARP: Its opposite of normal ARP that we have discussed. That means you have MAC address of PC2 but you do not have IP address of PC2. Some specific cases need RARP.

  • The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is an obsolete computer communication protocol used by a client computer to request its Internet Protocol (IPv4) address from a computer network, when all it has available is its link layer or hardware address, such as a MAC address. The client broadcasts the request and does not need prior knowledge of the network topology or the identities of servers capable of fulfilling its request.

  • Configuring Gratuitous ARP
Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests help detect duplicate IP addresses.
A gratuitous ARP is a broadcast request for a router’s own IP address. If a router or switch sends an ARP request for its own IP address and no ARP replies are received, the router- or switch-assigned IP address is not being used by other nodes

However, if a router or switch sends an ARP request for its own IP address and an ARP reply is received, the router- or switch-assigned IP address is already being used by another node.

  • Gratuitous ARP
Gratuitous ARP could mean both gratuitous ARP request or gratuitous ARP reply. Gratuitous in this case means a request/reply that is not normally needed according to the ARP specification (RFC 826) but could be used in some cases. 

A gratuitous ARP request is an AddressResolutionProtocol request packet where the source and destination IP are both set to the IP of the machine issuing the packet and the destination MAC is the broadcast address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff.

Gratuitous ARPs are useful for four reasons:

They can help detect IP conflicts. When a machine receives an ARP request containing a source IP that matches its own, then it knows there is an IP conflict.

They assist in the updating of other machines' ARP tables. Clustering solutions utilize this when they move an IP from one NIC to another, or from one machine to another. Other machines maintain an ARP table that contains the MAC associated with an IP. When the cluster needs to move the IP to a different NIC, be it on the same machine or a different one, it reconfigures the NICs appropriately then broadcasts a gratuitous ARP reply to inform the neighboring machines about the change in MAC for the IP. Machines receiving the ARP packet then update their ARP tables with the new MAC

They inform switches of the MAC address of the machine on a given switch port, so that the switch knows that it should transmit packets sent to that MAC address on that switch port.

Every time an IP interface or link goes up, the driver for that interface will typically send a gratuitous ARP to preload the ARP tables of all other local hosts. Thus, a gratuitous ARP will tell us that that host just has had a link up event, such as a link bounce, a machine just being rebooted or the user/sysadmin on that host just configuring the interface up. If we see multiple gratuitous ARPs from the same host frequently, it can be an indication of bad Ethernet hardware/cabling resulting in frequent link bounces

Ports and Protocols

  •  This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols for operation of network applications.

soc analyst interview question

  •  1. Explain risk, vulnerability and threat?

Vulnerability (weakness) is a gap in the protection efforts of a system, a threat is an attacker who exploits that weakness. Risk is the measure of potential loss when that the vulnerability is exploited by the threat

2. What is the difference between Asymmetric and Symmetric encryption and which one is better?

Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, while Asymmetric encryption uses different keys for encryption and decryption.

Symmetric is usually much faster but the key needs to be transferred over an unencrypted channel. Asymmetric on the other hand is more secure but slow. 

Hence, a hybrid approach should be preferred. Setting up a  channel using asymmetric encryption and then sending the data using a symmetric process.

4. What is XSS, how will you mitigate it?

Cross site scripting is a JavaScript vulnerability in web applications.

when a user enters a script in the client-side input fields and that input gets processed without getting validated. 

This leads to untrusted data getting saved and executed on the client-side. Countermeasures of XSS are input validation, implementing a CSP (Content security policy)

5. What is the difference between encryption and hashing?

Encryption is reversible whereas hashing is irreversible. Hashing can be cracked using rainbow tables and collision attacks but is not reversible.

Encryption ensures confidentiality whereas hashing ensures Integrity.

7. What is CSRF?

Cross-Site Request Forgery is a web application vulnerability in which the server does not check whether the request came from a trusted client or not. The request is just processed directly

13. CIA triangle?

Confidentiality: Keeping the information secret.

Integrity: Keeping the information unaltered.

Availability: Information is available to the authorised parties at all times.

14. HIDS vs NIDS and which one is better and why?

HIDS is a host intrusion detection system and NIDS is a network intrusion detection system. Both the systems work on similar lines. It’s just that the placement is different. HIDS is placed on each host whereas NIDS is placed in the network. For an enterprise, NIDS is preferred as HIDS is difficult to manage, plus it consumes the processing power of the host as well.

20. Various response codes from a web application?

1xx – Informational responses

2xx – Success

3xx – Redirection

4xx – Client-side error

5xx – Server side error

30. What is a false positive and false negative in case of IDS?

When the device generated an alert for an intrusion that has actually not happened: this is a false positive and if the device has not generated any alert and the intrusion has actually happened, this is the case of a false negative.

  • Question 4: What is the three-way handshake?

Three-way handshake mechanism: In this mechanism, the client sends an SYN TCP packet to the server asking for a connection (synchronizing) request and a sequence number. The server responds with the SYN/ACK packet, acknowledging the connection request and assigning a sequence number. The client again sends an ACK packet to accept the response of the server.

Question 6: What is data leakage? Explain in your own words.

Answer: Data leakage refers to the exposure or transmission of an organization’s sensitive data to the external recipient. The data may be transmitted or exposed via the internet or by physical means.

Question 7: List the steps to develop the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) strategy?

Answer: The steps to develop and implement a DLP strategy are as follows:

Step1: prioritizing the critical data assets

Step2: categorizing the data based on its source

Step3: analyzing which data is more prone to the risks

Step4: monitor the transmission of the data

Step5: developing control measures to mitigate the data leakage risk

Question 8: What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

TCP(Transfer Layer Protocol)

TCP is reliable as it guarantees the delivery of data packets to the destination.

TCP is heavyweight.

TCP is slower as compared to UDP


UDP(User Datagram Protocol)

UDP is not reliable as it does not guarantees the delivery of data packets to the destination

UDP is lightweight.

UDP IS faster than TCP

Example: TFTP, VoIP, online multiplayer gamess

Question 9: What is the difference between firewall deny and drop?

Answer: DENY RULE: If the firewall is set to deny rule, it will block the connection and send a reset packet back to the requester. The requester will know that the firewall is deployed.

DROP RULE: If the firewall is set to drop rule, it will block the connection request without notifying the requester.

It is best to set the firewall to deny the outgoing traffic and drop the incoming traffic so that attacker will not know whether the firewall is deployed or not.

Question 11: What is the Runbook in SOC?

A runbook, also known as a standard operating procedure (SOP), consists of a set of guidelines to handle security incidents and alerts in the Security Operation Centre. The L1 security analyst generally uses it for better assessment and documentation of the security events.

Question 12: What is the difference between the Red Team and the Blue Team?

Red Team: The red team plays an offensive role. The team conducts rigorous exercises to penetrate the security infrastructure and identify the exploitable vulnerabilities in it. The red team is generally hired by the organization to test the defenses.

Blue Team: The blue team plays a defensive role. The blue team’s role is to defend the organization’s security infrastructure by detecting the intrusion. The members of a blue team are internal security professionals of the organization.

Question 13: Define a Phishing attack and how to prevent it?

Answer: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which an attacker obtains sensitive information from the target by creating urgency, using threats, impersonation, and incentives. Spear phishing, e-mail spam, session hijacking, smishing, and vishing are types of phishing attacks.

Question 14: What is the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack, and how to prevent it?

Answer: Cross-site Scripting: In the cross-site scripting attack, the attacker executes the malicious scripts on a web page and can steal the user’s sensitive information. With XSS vulnerability, the attacker can inject Trojan, read out user information, and perform specific actions such as the website’s defacement.


    Encoding the output

    Applying filters at the point where input is received

    Using appropriate response headers

    Enabling content security policy

    Escaping untrusted characters

Question 15: Explain the SQL injection vulnerability and give countermeasures to prevent it?

Answer: SQL Injection: SQL injection is a famous vulnerability in the web application that allows hackers to interfere in communication taking place between a web application and its database. Hackers inject malicious input into the SQL statement to compromise the SQL database. They can retrieve, alter, or modify the data. In some cases, it allows attackers to perform DDOS attacks.


    Using parameterized queries

    Validating the inputs

    Creating stored procedures

    Deploying a web application firewall

    Escaping untrusted characters

Question 16: Difference between hashing and Encryption?


Conversion of data into a fixed-length of unreadable strings using algorithms

Hashed data can not be reverted back into readable strings

The length of the hashed string is fixed

No keys are used in hashing


Conversion of data into an unreadable string using cryptographic keys

strings Encrypted data can be decrypted back into readable strings

The length of the encrypted string is not fixed

Keys are used in Encryption

Question 18: What is the difference between SIEM and IDS?

Both collect the log data, but unlike SIEM, IDS does not facilitate event correlation and centralization of log data.

Question 20: What is DNS? Why is DNS monitoring essential?

DNS monitoring can disclose information such as websites visited by the employee, malicious domain accessed by an end-user, malware connecting to Command & Control server. It can help in identifying and thwarting cyberattacks. 

  • How does a Web Application Firewall work?
A WAF examines and filters traffic to web applications. It keeps track of communication between the client and server, and server and server
A WAF protects against some of the most common cyber attacks, including SQL injections, cross-site scripting and (D)DoS attacks
When you first define communication and access, you let the WAF monitor traffic for a period of time so that it can learn what legitimate traffic looks like. It then creates a default mode and the WAF can then keep track of unusual traffic patterns

What are the differences between Web Application Firewalls and traditional firewalls?
Application firewalls are on a higher level in the OSI model compared to traditional firewalls.
If a new type of hacker attack is discovered you can update the WAF software with the attack signature, which enables it to learn the patterns of that traffic and block it. 

What are the benefits of using a WAF?
Many agree that it is better to protect the application itself than the server itself. This allows for a deeper level of detail compared to traditional firewalls, thus giving a more ‘fine tune’ protection. A Web Application Firewall prevents data loss, data corruption and spoofing.
There are several types of firewalls but the most common one is the hardware network firewall. 
Basic firewalls work at Layer 3 and Layer 4 of the OSI model

a network firewall is stateful. This means that the firewall keeps track of the states of connections that pass through it.
For example, if an internal host successfully accesses an Internet website through the firewall, the latter will keep the connection inside its connection table so that reply packets from the external web server will be allowed to pass to the internal host because they already belong to an established connection.

Next-Generation Firewalls work all the way up to Layer 7 of the OSI models which means they are able to inspect and control traffic at the application level.

That's why the IPS is connected in line to the packet flow. As shown from the network topology above (Firewall with IPS), the IPS device is usually connected behind the firewall but in-line the communication path which transmits packets to/from the internal network.

Usually, an IPS is signature-based which means that it has a database of known malicious traffic, attacks, and exploits and if it sees packets matching a signature then it blocks the traffic flow.
an IPS can work with statistical anomaly detection, rules set by the administrator, etc.

An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is the predecessor of IPS and is passive in nature. As shown from the network above (Firewall with IDS), this device is not inserted in-line with the traffic but rather it is in parallel (placed out-of-band).

Traffic passing through the switch is also sent at the same time to the IDS for inspection. If a security anomaly is detected in the network traffic, the IDS will just raise an alarm (to the administrator) but it will not be able to block the traffic
Similar to IPS, the IDS device also uses mostly signatures of known security attacks and exploits in order to detect an intrusion attempt.
In order to send traffic to the IDS, the switch device must have a SPAN port configured in order to copy traffic and send it towards the IDS node.

For example, an IDS can send a command to the firewall in order to block specific packets if the IDS detects an attack.

Since most websites nowadays use SSL (HTTPS), the WAF is able also to provide SSL acceleration and also SSL inspection by terminating the SSL session and inspect the traffic inside the connection on the WAF itself.
As shown from the network above (Firewall with WAF), it is placed in front of a Website (usually) in a DMZ zone of a firewall.

. Which of these protocols is a connection-oriented protocol? The Correct Answer is:- D

  • A) FTP
  • B) UDP
  • C) POP3
  • D) TCP 

What port range is an obscure third-party application most likely to use? The Correct Answer is:- D

  • A) 1 to 1024
  • B) 1025 to 32767
  • C) 32768 to 49151
  • D) 49152 to 65535 

 Which category of firewall filters is based on packet header data only? The Correct Answer is:- C

  • A) Stateful
  • B) Application
  • C) Packet
  • D) Proxy 

At which layer of the OSI model does a proxy operate? The Correct Answer is:- D

  • A) Physical
  • B) Network
  • C) Data Link
  • D) Application 

Which technology allows the use of a single public address to support many internal clients while also preventing exposure of internal IP addresses to the outside world? The Correct Answer is:- D

  • A) VPN
  • B) Tunneling
  • C) NTP
  • D) NAT 

 What item is also referred to as a logical address to a computer system? The Correct Answer is:- A

  • A) IP address
  • B) IPX address
  • C) MAC address
  • D) SMAC address 

Which of the following is commonly used to create thumbprints for digital certificates? The Correct Answer is:- A

  • A) MD5
  • B) MD7
  • C) SHA12
  • D) SHA8 

Which of the following creates a fixed-length output from a variable-length input? The Correct Answer is:- A

  • A) MD5
  • B) MD7
  • C) SHA12
  • D) SHA8 

What encryption process uses one piece of information as a carrier for another? The Correct Answer is:- A

  • A) Steganography
  • B) Hashing
  • C) MDA
  • D) Cryptointelligence 

Which of the following is a major security problem with FTP? The Correct Answer is:- C

  • A) Password files are stored in an unsecure area on disk.
  • B) Memory traces can corrupt file access.
  • C) User IDs and passwords are unencrypted.
  • D) FTP sites are unregistered. 

What type of program exists primarily to propagate and spread itself to other systems and can do so without interaction from users? The Correct Answer is:- D

  • A) Virus
  • B) Trojan horse
  • C) Logic bomb
  • D) Worm  

Which mechanism is used by PKI to allow immediate verification of a certificate’s validity? D) OCSP

  • A) CRL
  • B) MD5
  • C) SSHA
  • D) OCSP  

Which statement(s) defines malware most accurately? The Correct Answer is:- B,C

  • A) Malware is a form of virus.
  • B) Trojans are malware.
  • C) Malware covers all malicious software.
  • D) Malware only covers spyware. 

 Which is/are a characteristic of a virus? Which is/are a characteristic of a virus?

  • A) A virus is malware.
  • B) A virus replicates on its own.
  • C) A virus replicates with user interaction.
  • D) A virus is an item that runs silently.

A polymorphic virus __________. The Correct Answer is:- C

  • A) Evades detection through backdoors
  • B) Evades detection through heuristics
  • C) Evades detection through rewriting itself
  • D) Evades detection through luck 

A sparse infector virus __________. The Correct Answer is:- C

  • A) Creates backdoors
  • B) Infects data and executables
  • C) Infects files selectively
  • D) Rewrites itself 
how to protect data layer at Layer 2 OSI?
what security controls can you implement at layer 7 OSI?
wef,proxies,content delivery network-cdn
what protocols are used at transport layer OSI?
tcp udp 
SNMP is a layer 7 (Application )protocol
ICMP is a layer 3 protocol (Network)

malware analysis

  •  What is Malware Analysis?

Malware analysis is the process of understanding the behavior and purpose of a suspicious file or URL. The output of the analysis aids in the detection and mitigation of the potential threat

    Pragmatically triage incidents by level of severity

    Uncover hidden indicators of compromise (IOCs) that should be blocked

    Improve the efficacy of IOC alerts and notifications

    Enrich context when threat hunting

Types of Malware Analysis

Static Analysis

Basic static analysis does not require that the code is actually run. Instead, static analysis examines the file for signs of malicious intent. It can be useful to identify malicious infrastructure, libraries or packed files.

Technical indicators are identified such as file names, hashes, strings such as IP addresses, domains, and file header data can be used to determine whether that file is malicious.

tools like disassemblers and network analyzers can be used to observe the malware without actually running it in order to collect information on how the malware works.

since static analysis does not actually run the code, sophisticated malware can include malicious runtime behavior that can go undetected.

For example, if a file generates a string that then downloads a malicious file based upon the dynamic string, it could go undetected by a basic static analysis. 

Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic malware analysis executes  suspected malicious code in a safe environment called a sandbox

This closed system enables security professionals to watch the malware in action without the risk of letting it infect their system or escape into the enterprise network.

Dynamic analysis provides threat hunters and incident responders with deeper visibility, allowing them to uncover the true nature of a threat. 

As a secondary benefit, automated sandboxing eliminates the time it would take to reverse engineer a file to discover the malicious code.

The challenge with dynamic analysis is that adversaries are smart, and they know sandboxes are out there, so they have become very good at detecting them. To deceive a sandbox, adversaries hide code inside them that may remain dormant until certain conditions are met. Only then does the code run.

Hybrid Analysis (includes both of the techniques above)

For example, one of the things hybrid analysis does is apply static analysis to data generated by behavioral analysis – like when a piece of malicious code runs and generates some changes in memory. Dynamic analysis would detect that, and analysts would be alerted to circle back and perform basic static analysis on that memory dump. As a result, more IOCs would be generated and zero-day exploits would be exposed.

Malware Analysis Use Cases

Malware Detection

By providing deep behavioral analysis and by identifying shared code, malicious functionality or infrastructure, threats can be more effectively detected.

In addition, an output of malware analysis is the extraction of IOCs. The IOCs may then be fed into SEIMs, threat intelligence platforms (TIPs) and security orchestration tools to aid in alerting teams to related threats in the future.

Threat Alerts and Triage

Malware analysis solutions provide higher-fidelity alerts earlier in the attack life cycle. Therefore, teams can save time by prioritizing the results of these alerts over other technologies.

Incident Response

The goal of the incident response (IR) team is to provide root cause analysis, determine impact and succeed in remediation and recovery. The malware analysis process aids in the efficiency and effectiveness of this effort.

Threat Hunting

Malware analysis can expose behavior and artifacts that threat hunters can use to find similar activity, such as access to a particular network connection, port or domain. By searching firewall and proxy logs or SIEM data, teams can use this data to find similar  threats.

Stages of Malware Analysis

Static Properties Analysis

Static properties include strings embedded in the malware code, header details, hashes, metadata, embedded resources, etc. This type of data may be all that is needed to create IOCs, and they can be acquired very quickly because there is no need to run the program in order to see them.

Interactive Behavior Analysis

Behavioral analysis is used to observe and interact with a malware sample running in a lab. Analysts seek to understand the sample’s registry, file system, process and network activities. They may also conduct memory forensics to learn how the malware uses memory. If the analysts suspect that the malware has a certain capability, they can set up a simulation to test their theory.

Fully Automated Analysis

Manual Code Reversing

analysts reverse-engineer code using debuggers, disassemblers, compilers and specialized tools to decode encrypted data, determine the logic behind the malware algorithm  and understand any hidden capabilities that the malware has not yet exhibited.

  • Understand Where You Currently Fit Into the Malware Analysis Process

    Fully-Automated Analysis: Run (“detonate”) the suspicious file in an automated analysis environment (“sandbox”) to get a report on its activities, such as its interaction with the file system and network.

    Static Properties Analysis: Examine metadata and other details embedded in the file (e.g., strings) without running it, so you can spot the areas you might want to examine more deeply in subsequent steps.

    Interactive Behavior Analysis: Run the file in an isolated laboratory environment, which you fully control, tweaking the lab’s configuration in a series of iterative experiments to study the specimen’s behavior.

    Manual Code Reversing: Examine the code that comprises the file, often with the help of a disassembler and a debugger, to understand its key capabilities and fill in the gaps left from the earlier analysis steps.

Memory, file system, and network forensics efforts (when applicable) also contribute to the understanding.

  • Intro to Malware Analysis: What It Is & How It Works

There are a few key reasons to perform malware analysis:

    Malware detection — To better protect your organization, you need to be able to identify compromising threats and vulnerabilities.

    Threat response — To help you understand how these threats work so you can react accordingly to them.

    Malware research — This can help you to better understand how specific types of malware work, where they originated, and what differentiates them.

What Is Malware?

Malware is any piece of software that’s harmful to your system — worms, viruses, trojans, spyware, etc

Malware analysis can help you to determine if a suspicious file is indeed malicious, study its origin, process, capabilities, and assess its impact to facilitate detection and prevention.

The Two Types of Malware Analysis Techniques: Static vs. Dynamic

There are two ways to approach the malware analysis process — using static analysis or dynamic analysis. With static analysis, the malware sample is examined without detonating it, whereas, with dynamic analysis, the malware is actually executed in a controlled, isolated environment.

Static Malware Analysis

The malware components and properties are analyzed without running the code

Static malware analysis is signature-based — i.e., the signature of the malware binary is determined by calculating the cryptographic hash.

The malware binary can be reverse-engineered by using a disassembler.

Static malware analysis involves virus scanning, fingerprinting, memory dumping, etc.

Dynamic Malware Analysis

The malware is executed within a virtual environment, and its behavior is observed.

Dynamic malware analysis takes a behavior-based approach to malware detection and analysis.

The malware binary can be reverse-engineered using disassemblers and debuggers to understand and control certain aspects of the program when executing.

Dynamic malware analysis involves registry changes, API calls, memory writes, etc.

It is more effective and provides a higher detection rate than static analysis

The Four Stages of Malware Analysis

Stage One: Fully Automated Analysis

Automated malware analysis refers to relying on detection models formed by analyzing previously discovered malware samples

Fully automated analysis can be done using tools like Cuckoo Sandbox, an open-source automated malware analysis platform that can be tweaked to run custom scripts and generate comprehensive reports.

Stage Two: Static Properties Analysis

Static properties analysis involves looking at a file’s metadata without executing the malware

One of the free tools that you may find useful for this purpose is PeStudio. This tool flags suspicious artifacts within executable files and is designed for automated static properties analysis. PeStudio presents the file hashes that can be used to search VirusTotal, TotalHash, or other malware repositories to see if the file has previously been analyzed.

Stage Three: Interactive Behavior Analysis

the malware sample is executed in isolation as the analyst observes how it interacts with the system and the changes it makes.

Often, a piece of malware might refuse to execute if it detects a virtual environment or might be designed to avoid execution without manual interaction (i.e., in an automated environment)

There are several types of actions that should immediately raise a red flag, including:

    Adding or modifying new or existing files,

    Installing new services or processes, and

    Modifying the registry or changing system settings.

Some types of malware might try to connect to suspicious host IPs that don’t belong to the environments. Others might also try to create mutex objects to avoid infecting the same host multiple times (to preserve operational stability). These findings are relevant indicators of compromise.

Some of the tools that you can use include:

    Wireshark for observing network packets,

    Process Hacker to observe the processes that are executing in memory,

    Process Monitor to observe real-time file system, registry, process activity for Windows, and

    ProcDot to provide an interactive and graphical representative of all recorded activities.

Stage Four: Manual Code Reversing

This process can:

    Shed some light on the logic and algorithms the malware uses,

    Expose hidden capabilities and exploitation techniques the malware uses, and

    Provide insights about the communication protocol between the client and the server on the command and control side.

Typically, to manually reverse the code, analysts make use of debuggers and disassemblers. 

How to Prevent Malware Infection

Keep your systems and applications up to date.

Stay wary of social engineering attacks that can compromise your data

Perform regular scans on your systems using antivirus, anti-malware solutions

Employ security best practices like using a secure connection, blocking ads, etc. 

Create backups for all your business-critical data

  • Free Automated Malware Analysis Sandboxes and Services

Automated malware analysis tools, such as analysis sandboxes, save time and help with triage during incident response and forensic investigations

  • Free Blocklists of Suspected Malicious IPs and URLs

Several organizations maintain and publish free blocklists of IP addresses and URLs of systems and networks suspected in malicious activities on-line

  • Free Online Tools for Looking up Potentially Malicious Websites

Several organizations offer free online tools for looking up a potentially malicious website. Some of these tools provide historical information; others examine the URL in real time to identify threats

What about malware variations that have not yet been seen? Signature-based detection methods will not work. To detect these types of threats, vendors created Sandboxing products, which take a suspect file and place it in an environment where its behaviors can be closely analyzed. If the file does something malicious while in the sandbox, it is flagged as malware. This is known as Heuristic detection, and it looks for anomaly behavior that is out of the ordinary. In fact, vendors create proprietary heuristic algorithms that can detect never before seen polymorphic samples of malware