Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spring using JDBCDaoSupport

Example Without JdbcTemplate
you have to create many redundant codes (create connection , close connection , handle exception) in all the DAO database operation methods – insert, update and delete. It just not efficient, ugly, error prone and tedious.

Example With JdbcTemplate
With JdbcTemplate, you save a lot of typing on the redundant codes, becuase JdbcTemplate will handle it automatically.

Example With JdbcDaoSupport
By extended the JdbcDaoSupport, set the datasource and JdbcTemplate in your class is no longer required, you just need to inject the correct datasource into JdbcCustomerDAO. And you can get the JdbcTemplate by using a getJdbcTemplate() method.


HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport these classes should be considered deprecated since the release of hibernate 3.0.1
JdbcTemplate (and all other *Template classes) intend is to make it easier to work with the underlying technology. Once upon a time this was also needed for Hibernate (< 3.0.1), now it isn't.

JdbcTemplate makes it easier to work with plain JDBC code. You don't have to get a connection, create a (Prepared)Statement, add the parameters, execute the query, iterate over the resultset and convert the ResultSet. With the JdbcTemplate much of this is hidden and most of it can be written in 1 to 3 lines of code, whereas plain JDBC would require a lot more.

The *Support classes make it easier to gain access to a template but aren't a must to use. Creating a JdbcTemplate is quite easy and you don't really need to extend JdbcDaoSupport. But you can if you want


Spring JDBC DaoSupport
Spring provides convenient classes to perform functions on the database. It handles creating a connection to a database, performing clean up and handling exceptions. The user creates a datasource and injects it into a jdbctemplate. The jdbctemplate is then injected into the spring Dao. The user can also inject a datasource directly into the Dao. The Dao is an abstract class and the user extends this class to create his own Dao. The advantage of this class is that the user does not have to inject the JdbcTemplate into all of his DAO classes. The user creates a common Dao class that can be extended by all the DAO classes. Spring provides two DAO classes JdbcDaoSupport and NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport. There is a third class called SimpleJdbcDaoSupport but this is now deprecated in favor of JdbcDaoSupport and NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport


Spring Hibernate integration using HibernateDaoSupport

Using HibernateDaoSupport/HibernateTemplate is not recommended since it unnecessarily ties your code to Spring classes.
Using these classes was inevitable with older versions of Hibernate in order to integrate support of Spring-managed transactions.
Since Hibernate 3.0.1 you don't need it any more - you can write a code against a plain Hibernate API while using Spring-managed transactions
All you need is to configure Spring transaction support, inject SessionFactory and call getCurrentSession() on it when you need to work with session.
Another benefit of HibernateTemplate is exception translation.
Without HibernateTemplate the same functionality can be achieved by using @Repository annotation
This will wire in the same exception translation (one of the big benefits of the HibernateTemplate) and allow you to either use your own super class or just simply to avoid extending a third party framework class.

public class YourFooDao {

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    private Foo get(long id){
        return (Foo) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(id);

     HibernateTemplate - Spring provides a class called org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate that helps in accessing the database via hibernate. One of its main features is mapping of hibernate exceptions to DataAccessExceptions. The main method in HibernateTemplate is the execute method that takes in a hibernate callback. HibernateTemplate also takes care of obtaining or releasing sessions and hence the callback function or invoking function does not have to manage sessions. The SessionFactory is injected into HibernateTemplate using a LocalSessionFactoryBean. Spring manages the creation and shutting down of the factory. HibernateTemplate provides methods such as find, saveOrUpdate, persist, delete etc that performs the corresponding function in hibernate but manages sessions and exceptions.

LocalSessionFactoryBean - This is a spring factory bean that creates hibernate sessionfactory. The main purpose of this class is to set up the Hibernate SessionFactory in a spring context. The hibernate configuration properties can be passed within the XML. The configuration properties include the hibernate mapping resources, hibernate properties and a datasource. The SessionFactory can handle both pure hibernate session management with single database or transactions that span multiple databases using JTA .

AnnotaionSessionFactoryBean - This is a subclass of LocalSessionFactoryBean but supports annotation based mappings.

HibernateDaoSupport - This class is a convenience class for hibernate based database access. This is a wrapper over HibernateTemplate. It can be initialized using a SessionFactory. It creates the HibernateTemplate and subclasses can use the getHibernateTemplate() method to obtain the hibernateTemplate and then perform operations on it. The class can also be initialized using a preconfigured HibernateTemplate. Create your own DAO by extending this class, provide a SessionFactory or HibernateTemplate and start performing operations using the getHibernateTemplate() method.


Spring is a general-purpose framework that plays different roles in many areas of application architecture. One of these areas is persistence. Spring does not provide its own persistence framework. Instead, it provides an abstraction layer over JDBC, and a variety of O/R mapping frameworks, such as iBATIS SQL Maps, Hibernate, JDO, Apache OJB, and Oracle TopLink. This abstraction allows consistent, manageable data-access implementation. 
