Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Internet of Things (IoT)

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data
The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,
when IoT is augmented with sensors and actuators, the technology becomes an instance of the more general class of cyber-physical systems, which also encompasses technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation and smart cities

  • lora
Our members are collaborating together and sharing experience to drive the success of the LoRa protocol, LoRaWAN™, as the open global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWA connectivity. With a certification program to guarantee interoperability and the technical flexibility to address the multiple IoT applications be they static or mobile

  • sigfox
We power the IoT with the simplest communication solutions

  • What Is SigFox?
The low power, wide area (LPWA) network space, which is a subset of the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) market and is often referred to now as the Internet of Things (IoT).
Specifically, SigFox sets up antennas on towers (like a cell phone company), and receives data transmissions from devices like parking sensors or water meters

  • NB-IOT, Accelerating Cellular IOT
NB-IOT provides better network coverage for thing-to-thing communications, supports more connections, and lowers power consumption. Therefore, NB-IOT meets the application requirements in industrial, public, personal, and home domains.

  • What is Weightless?
Weightless is both the name of a group, the Weightless Special Interest Group (SIG), and the technology.
Weightless technology delivers wireless connectivity for low power, wide area networks (LPWAN) specifically designed for the Internet of Things

  • IoT can be divided into 3 categories, based on usage and clients base:

    Consumer IoT includes the connected devices such as smart cars, phones, watches, laptops, connected appliances, and entertainment systems.
    Commercial IoT includes things like inventory controls, device trackers, and connected medical devices.
    Industrial IoT covers such things as connected electric meters, waste water systems, flow gauges, pipeline monitors, manufacturing robots, and other types of connected industrial devices and systems.

  • The IoT platforms are suites of components those help to setup and manage the internet connected devices.
A person can remotely collect data, monitor and manage all internet connected devices from a single system.

  • ThingsBoard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.
ThingsBoard is licensed under Apache License 2.0, so you can use any it in your commercial products for free. You can even host it as a SaaS or PaaS solution.

  • MindSphere is the open, cloud-based IoT operating system from Siemens that lets you connect your machines and physical infrastructure to the digital world. It lets you harness big data from billions of intelligent devices, enabling you to uncover transformational insights across your entire business.

  • intelligent device
An intelligent device is any type of equipment, instrument, or machine that has its own computing capability.

  • Contiki is an open source operating system for the Internet of Things. Contiki connects tiny low-cost, low-power microcontrollers to the Internet. Contiki is a powerful toolbox for building complex wireless systems.
Cooja is the Contiki network simulator. Cooja allows large and small networks of Contiki motes to be simulated. Motes can be emulated at the hardware level, which is slower but allows precise inspection of the system behavior, or at a less detailed level, which is faster and allows simulation of larger networks.

  •  With Foren6, we propose a novel passive network analyser aimed specifically at sensor networks operating on emerging IoT standards, 6LoWPAN and RPL, which serves both the academic community and early adopters of 6LoWPAN and RPL.

  • The iBeacon is simply a protocol that takes advantage of the new Bluetooth Low Energy technologies.

  • Automotive Ethernet is a physical network that is used to connect components within a car using a wired network
AUTOSAR is an open and standardized automotive software architecture, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and tool developers. AUTOSAR includes the automotive TCP/UDP/IP stack that is used in automobiles

  • Gateway Tier
On top of providing the transport, the gateway can also optionally provide functions such as data filtering, cleanup, aggregation and packet content inspection.


  • Operational Technology (OT) is hardware and software that detects or causes a change through the direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices, processes and events in the enterprise.

OT is common in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) such as a SCADA System.
In the world of critical infrastructure, OT may be used to control power stations or public transportation.
For many years, industrial systems relied upon proprietary protocols and software, were manually managed and monitored by humans, and had no connection to the outside world.For this reason, they were a fairly insignificant target for hackers as there was no networked interface to attack and nothing to gain or destroy. The only way to infiltrate these systems was to obtain physical access to a terminal and this was no easy task. OT and IT integrated little and did not deal with the same kinds of vulnerabilities.

  • in-vehicle infotainment solution

One of the key technologies, which works as a focal point of all the modern automotive systems and integrates their functions to be controlled and monitored from one central unit, is “In-Vehicle Infotainment System”.

What is In-vehicle infotainment?
The IVI can be described as a combination of vehicle systems which are used to deliver entertainment and information to the driver and the passengers through audio/ video interfaces, control elements like touch screen displays, button panel, voice commands, and more

  • What is HIL Testing?

Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is a technique that is used for testing control systems. Carrying out a HIL simulation to test a control system is called HIL testing.

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